My birds are sulking because they weren't fed for a while. Hopefully they will have forgiven me by tomorrow afternoon and come back to the feeders so I can record them.
We set up a movement activated camera - we've moved it around a bit before settling on a corner by the house. Mainly pigeons and cats with a magpie in one
I think the smaller birds are too slight to set the camera off. One set showed a cat being chased by something - we think it was a fox but, as it was a night time one, it was hard to tell as it was a black and white photo, blurry through movement.
There is also a forgetful madwoman carrying a bucket of bird food, who is none too pleased to see herself on film
Haha, I plan on getting a motion camera at some point in the future as well. I know there are foxes but I'm sure badgers are active around here and it would be nice to see a live one even if on film.
I've had a few encounters with live badgers. One was doing a nightime raid on a bin at Sussex University campus - totally ignoring the growing crowd oohing and ahhing at this close encounter with iconic british wildlife.
More recently one decided to attack my metal garden gate at about 2am - I honestly thought it was a burglar trying to get in - as I was lacking someone braver than me who could investigate, I had to go see what was happening for myself
The badger wanted to go through that locked gate and he wasn't going to give up the fight, he carried on even when I turned on the lights. He only ran off when I made lots of noise opening the back door. Silly sausage turned up and did the same thing the following night, but went away when I made some noise. After that I tied a couple of carrier bags to the gate, the rustling noise seemed to keep him away.
Mine was Sunday afternoon as well, which likewise didn't help. They say it should even out over all submissions if some people see less as some will see more than normal.
Did someone say birdwatching?
I don't typically do hard-core birdwatching, but I will listen and watch some birds at my job when we're quiet and not so busy.
I typically picked the username I did because I love my 'state bird', the ruffed grouse.
I also really like bald eagles and hawks.
|+| State Bird - Leader |+|
|+| -Wings of Gielinor- |+|
A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
28-Jan-2015 22:34:27
- Last edited on
28-Jan-2015 22:34:45
State Bird