You may have noticed the RS*B ads for the big garden birdwatch I've done it the past couple of years and then when they send out the info gathered you should get an email. It is interesting to see what has happened even over the space of a year.
You can find out more info on their site, and I'd recommend signing up they only ask for an hour to be spent then you just record each species and the most you see of it at any one time.
We were wandering through a town centre when my daughter spotted an odd bird and asked what it was, and then complained I had infected her with birdwatching, which apparently, according to her, is only marginally more acceptable than train spotting!
The bird in question was black with large patches of white up its back and across its head. When we got home we looked it up and found it was a blackbird with random white feathers - I have never seen one before and didn't even know they existed.
Mr B gave me one of those feeders that stick on the window, but the birds don't seem to like it yet - perhaps it is too windy for them, or they don't like the look of me on the other side
Not a bird, but i did see 3 deer in the woods today, years since I last saw any round here. Didn't have binoculars on me as with the snow I didn't see much point taking them... very prominent white rears was all I could make out, so I'm edging at Roe deer for now.