Remember how players kept requesting augmentable skilling items so Invention can be used for different niches? There are a few Inventions that could be added similar to Hammer-tron.
YEETinator: A device to assist in Yeeting. Appears as an mechanical arm strap to assist in arm movements, more specifically to yeet things.
When augmentation came out, a major complaint was you couldn't augment throwing weapons such as Death Lotus Darts so this is to fulfill that niche.
The Yeetinator can be manufactured with similar parts as a Hammer-Tron/Fish-o-Matic, equipped in the Ammo Slot, and can have 2 Weapon Gizmos installed.
While the Yeetinator is in your ammo slot and you have non-augmentable throwing weapons equipped, your ranged attacks will be affected by the perks on the Yeetinator. It comes with a passive effect that increases your attack range by 1 for Throwing Weapons.
If you have only one throwing weapon equipped (Main or off-hand), only the perks on the left/first gizmo take effect and item XP is reduced.
Note: I specified non-augmentable as weapons such as Sunspear are throwing but already augmentable thus shouldn't work with the Yeetinator.
Bio-Radar: Tracking device for detecting wildlife.
A skilling device designed for Hunter and equipped in the main-hand. Can have 2 tool gizmos installed for perks, with existing perks acting differently to accommodate Hunter.
-Tinker still have a chance of more XP
-Imp-Souled rolls for non-stackable items (wont bank Gwen Spikes)
-Rapid has a 5% chance per rank of halving time to deploy a trap. In BGH 3% chance of double progress when setting up a trap.
-Pyromaniac has a 10% chance per rank of auto-smoking a trap as if you used a torch on it.
-Refined grants a 5% chance of bait being returned on catch if used. In BGH, when skinning the dino there's an equal chance of gaining the bait used.
-Honed provides a 1% higher chance per rank of successful trapping (same effect as Trapper outfits).
of the elves
27-Oct-2019 21:48:53
- Last edited on
28-Oct-2019 01:36:04
I ate all