
Invention Quick Fixes

Quick find code: 185-186-927-66062548

Oct Member 2013


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I certainly do agree with you in that aspect - fortunates are well covered currently, if anything they should be made appealing for some kind of perk (maybe more by getting rid of stuff like hoarding and brassican so it could be used for scavenging/looting combinations (considering the changes to both).

If my more relevant invention levels would be implemented I could easily see noxious to be relevant for biting 3 + x combinations. Webbed defenders sound interesting as well, but I am not sure if it's too fitting progression wise (nex->kk->araxxor).

Perkwise rumbling components certainly should be reworked in some way (yeah - a lot of the orginal rare materials should be), but with more relevant levels it could easily be used for high rank combinations again (we don't need to focus on a design in which we simply burn in 5 components of a kind to create the perks we want). I certainly like the idea of the codex as well.

Going by value noxious certainly isn't in a need of external support for now, but making rumbling more attractive could be enriching in one way or another.

Generally using the components for items is an interesting concept, but it fits more for fortunates than it would be noxious or rumbling, simply because the former is so much more readily available - and inherits some kind of value even regarding this.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

17-Sep-2019 05:54:34

I ate all
Sep Member 2013

I ate all

Posts: 1,531 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Remember how players kept requesting augmentable skilling items so Invention can be used for different niches? There are a few Inventions that could be added similar to Hammer-tron.

YEETinator: A device to assist in Yeeting. Appears as an mechanical arm strap to assist in arm movements, more specifically to yeet things.

When augmentation came out, a major complaint was you couldn't augment throwing weapons such as Death Lotus Darts so this is to fulfill that niche.

The Yeetinator can be manufactured with similar parts as a Hammer-Tron/Fish-o-Matic, equipped in the Ammo Slot, and can have 2 Weapon Gizmos installed.

While the Yeetinator is in your ammo slot and you have non-augmentable throwing weapons equipped, your ranged attacks will be affected by the perks on the Yeetinator. It comes with a passive effect that increases your attack range by 1 for Throwing Weapons.

If you have only one throwing weapon equipped (Main or off-hand), only the perks on the left/first gizmo take effect and item XP is reduced.

Note: I specified non-augmentable as weapons such as Sunspear are throwing but already augmentable thus shouldn't work with the Yeetinator.

Bio-Radar: Tracking device for detecting wildlife.

A skilling device designed for Hunter and equipped in the main-hand. Can have 2 tool gizmos installed for perks, with existing perks acting differently to accommodate Hunter.

-Tinker still have a chance of more XP
-Imp-Souled rolls for non-stackable items (wont bank Gwen Spikes)
-Rapid has a 5% chance per rank of halving time to deploy a trap. In BGH 3% chance of double progress when setting up a trap.
-Pyromaniac has a 10% chance per rank of auto-smoking a trap as if you used a torch on it.
-Refined grants a 5% chance of bait being returned on catch if used. In BGH, when skinning the dino there's an equal chance of gaining the bait used.
-Honed provides a 1% higher chance per rank of successful trapping (same effect as Trapper outfits).
of the elves

27-Oct-2019 21:48:53 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2019 01:36:04 by I ate all

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Actually quite a few interesting concepts.

As for throwing weapons I'd highly prefer they could get rid of that ammunition concept for them as a whole - just make them permanent or degrading weapons - basically just like every single modern (with the exception of two superior variants of old weapons) throwing weapon works.

The range increase component could be a bit tricky either, since the attack range of throwing weapons can range from 4 (darts) to 9 (Sagaie) - the latter is also the maximum for other ranged weapons.

The bio radar sounds extremely interesting - especially with all the choices those altered perks could give. I wonder if it would be the first choice for a skillvention extension, since there are a couple of non-augmentable crystal tools left as well.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

01-Nov-2019 07:12:16 - Last edited on 01-Nov-2019 07:17:01 by Rikornak

I ate all
Sep Member 2013

I ate all

Posts: 1,531 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Rikornak said :
Actually quite a few interesting concepts.

As for throwing weapons I'd highly prefer they could get rid of that ammunition concept for them as a whole - just make them permanent or degrading weapons - basically just like every single modern (with the exception of two superior variants of old weapons) throwing weapon works.

What if the Yeetinator was a 2H weapon just like the Blisterwood Stake-Thrower-Crossbow, except it comes pre-augmented on creation (like Rod or Hammer-tron) and could be loaded with various throwing weapons?
of the elves

02-Nov-2019 06:25:19

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think that could work, but I am really not so sure, if it would be worth the trouble - basically you would have a lot of different kinds of low levelled ammo for a weapon, that should be at least tier 70 (comparable to the invention made tools). A different problem could be the weapon scaling then: The highest levelled non-augmentable thrown weapon is the elite death lotus dart at tier 88, so a yeetinator lower than this wouldn't be able to make full use of it - and I am really not so sure if such a high levelled weapon should be handed out by simple manufacturing. I certainly love the idea it comes from invention, but it should more be like a special drop (slayer, boss, minigame or advanced skilling) to be combined with invention components.

The other issue might be, what would those different kinds of ammunition be good for, when the weapon diversity isn't released so far. That might really be a thing that should be taken care off before.

In OS they've entirely converted javelins to ammunition to be used with ballistae for instance - probably to give them a clearer role over the tons of other throwing weapons available. In RS3 a better approach might be converting all javelins to 2H weapons - like vanquish and the sunspear already are - that could have some impact even without weapon diversity, since it would be the sole choice for 2H thrown (with later on a few other options like vanquish, the sunspear or the blowpipe).
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

03-Nov-2019 07:27:52 - Last edited on 03-Nov-2019 07:38:41 by Rikornak

I ate all
Sep Member 2013

I ate all

Posts: 1,531 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This thread is still being bumped up so I took another read through it. Should add Harmonic Dust to the Updates section as you can now dismantle it in groups of 100 for 1 Crystal Part.

On release, Invention was a huge blessing to the economy. Tons of items once useless became useful as they could be dismantled and sinked for useful components, upping their value. Low levels could sell practically anything for profit while high level players bought it all for dismantling. Here are my suggestions for dismantling materials you listed:

Arc Mushrooms: Currently they can be processed into stackable Sliced Mushrooms. Simply add the ability to dismantle Sliced Mushrooms in groups of 50 for a guaranteed Fungal component.

Dragon Dust should provide Organic/Living parts, Harmony Moss gives Crystal and Seren, Barb fishing fish provide Crafted and enhancing parts like other raw fish. Corrupted Ore is dismantled in stacks of 50 and provide similar parts to a Battlestaff, due to their partially magic nature.

Otherwise I agree with your ideas as long as they're balanced properly as "rarely" given components vary by item.

I don't think there's really a "Quick Fix" for component sinks as you'd need new perks or devices/inventions. I did have an idea for an Alchemical Onyx Sequel intended to sink large quantities of other cut gems and under used components, then used to create devices that are strong but niche, or sink Stone Spirits.
of the elves

15-Nov-2019 02:53:21 - Last edited on 17-Nov-2019 17:21:43 by I ate all

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Fully agreed - that is basically what I think about invention, but to have this work we're going to need an adequate distribution of the stuff used. (I do not think it is an issue if some materials are used (even when it is quite a bit) more than others, but if you compare crafted parts vs. stave ones for instance something went wrong in there.). And a new device every once in a while doesn't hurt either - preferably stuff you wouldn't just make once.

I think you've mistaken harmony dust (from grinding crystal urchins) with harmonic dust (from harp singing) - the latter was able to be disassembled from day 1 onwards. For the former a conversion rate of 100:1 would be a horrible deal (albeit I don't think it is *that* great for the latter either, but well).

For general categories I am not sure if they stick to some template (i.e. herblore secondary, ore and so on). But as for this your extensions sound great - spinning it further fungal components could actually be a rare drop from any mushroom (i.e. what you can feed to a zygomite). What that 'type specific' actually is should be up to debate again, but it all is stuff that just shouldn't be on the simple/variable table.

Generally the idea behind obtaining rares is to bolster the value of thematically fitting items, rather breaking down the one of the 'main source'. As for this if you could obtain a single undead component every 200 congealed bloods or so (the actual chance should really be up to Jagex) shouldn't hurt barrows and rots too much, but it could help the blood a bit, since a couple of players might feel to gamble a bit or so.

Yeah - at most the consumption of stuff could be quick fixed by rebalancing the materials used for certain items (as I suggested for a couple of things), but other than that it would be up to new stuff.

On a first glance your Alchemical Onyx Sequel sounds extremely interesting. I am going to read it more throughoutly the next couple of days.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

16-Nov-2019 08:36:45 - Last edited on 16-Nov-2019 08:38:23 by Rikornak

Jeremy Cheng
Aug Member 2013

Jeremy Cheng

Posts: 25,647 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1. if the examined players examine is set to private, do not allow players to see their augments for consistency. this is important for pvp fairness in the wilderness.

2. no, crackling is fine as it is. I don't want it changed and it needed to be polled.
no, lunging should not be nerfed this way.

3.11 it doesn't need a name change but support anyways

otherwise support for everything else!

04-Jan-2020 08:46:38

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 9,169 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thanks for your input:

1. If you can't see what your enemy is actually wearing, you obviously also couldn't see the augment.

2. Care to provide a good reason why the exisiting variant would be so much better than my proposed one? It basically would solely be a QoL fix preventing crackling hitting into something it isn't supposed to be hit into, while not affecting you otherwise.

Lunging: How is a 'Base damage against standing targets + increased damage against moving ones' vs. 'Reduced damage against standing targets + increased damage against moving ones' a nerf?

3.11 - If the Siphon is supposed to work with weapons and armour it obviously wouldn't be a tool siphon anymore, thus the rename.
Improvements: Tooltip / (F2P) QoL v2
Quick Fixes: Invention

05-Jan-2020 08:06:51 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2020 08:07:34 by Rikornak

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