As previous post mentioned BXP, I'd like to suggest that Vic's store be made partially available to F2P. As F2P currently cannot use BXP outside of BXP*, many free players have stocked up hundreds of thousands of BXP. As some players might not have the luxury of time during BXP*, much of this BXP tends to go unused. Also, some players have BXP in members' skills, which is similarly left unused.
Perhaps Vic's store can have an option added for free players to trade in BXP for actual exp, at a far reduced rate, of course. Also, BXP earned in members' skills can either be reassigned to other skills or be entirely discarded, if the player so wishes. This allows the BXP they've accumulated to serve some purpose other than being that value beneath the total experience earnt.
It is rather pointless to have a sum extending into the hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, right beneath a free player's total experience value. Personally, I feel that this is nothing but an eyesore. It does not tempt me into buying membership, which I believe is its intended purpose. It simply makes me opt to cash out sources of BXP or discard them entirely.
04-Apr-2016 08:01:50