Ran out of space in previous post.
For example, you specifically should definitely not be downloading Alt-1, as your apparent lack of knowledge about it in the threads made it obvious that you haven't investigated how or what it does. You should very sensibly stick to only using the official client and not download or install anything from any unauthorised sources, or follow any links to unknown sites.
Everyone should stay within their "comfortable safe zone", whatever that extends to.
There is no relevance between the OSRS HD Graphics Clients decisions and RS3 with external utilities. RS3 tools exist because they are useful utilities that do not change or manipulate anything within the game to do so, they wouldn't need to tell Alt-1 to stop doing x y or z if RS3 developers added that functionality into the game - because it just wouldn't be needed in the external utility any more.
08-Sep-2021 23:58:32