I say Alt 1 shouldn't be banned. If jagex allows runelite in OSRS, alt 1 is very x100 minor. I spend millions on teleports. Clues are strictly RNG based, sometimes you make 50k in 5-12mins, sometimes 2mill+, heck i'v made billions off them.
I quit PvM after Mining & Smithing rework.
I do the clicking squares game as fast as one can, the same reason people use calculators in math class, it saves time. 100% legal since jagex allows RuneLite in OSRS, which it does a massive list of game altering things....
-tells you what you planted in what farming plot and when it finishes
- displays all names of all items on world floor. Drop 45,555 gp, it will display that on my screen, not as 'Gold' but as 45, 555GP.
^screen overlay? loads more lmao.
Nothing less than max efficiency in a world where we value our time.
Also jagex is checkmated into allowing RuneLite, 70%+ of OSRS uses it, removing it wouldn't be good for business. Yes some prayer switch plugins were removed but rest is allowed. many like runescape because of these tools. without it, jagex knows many may quit given the ease of use it adds to the game. Don't even need to guess when your potions will end, once you sip that dose, a timer appears.
Banning Alt 1 would be highly bias against RS3 players and the clue solving portion of the players that make their money from that method. Not everyone makes billions off them. It's like PvM, RNG is either your friend or your enemy.
24-Apr-2022 13:25:58