I soft quit in 2011 in favor of WoW, hard quit in 2016. Once I quit WoW in 2021 I believed myself free of MMORPGs.
April 2022...my soul cried for me to return home. Given I play WAY more casually than back in my teens and I have no actually long-term goals on RS anymore, but I still play regularly. It just feels right, and I don't regret the time I have spent or still do spend. RS was there for me when nobody and nothing else was and my memories playing it throughout my childhood are overwhelmingly positive. I can't think of anything I had the means to do in the "real world" that would have been more fun. It may sound pathetic to some - but I argue the opposite. I made tons of great friends, I learned a lot from google searches beginning with RS related research, I learned how to interact with all different types of people and even have discussions through language barriers, etc. Hell I learned teamwork, organization, and management skills which translated smoothly from an mmorpg setting to a workplace setting.
Some people may have managed to stay away - but I ask, are they comfortable?
Casual legacy trash of 20 years in RS, writer of Skyrook Gorge (and other books) irl
Should the forums truly go; almost anyone from here is free to add me in-game.