Not gonna happen.. The best way to describe JaGex and their management of Rs3 is to compare them to your best friend who doesn't know a thing about cars owning a Ferrari and being completely liable for the maintenance.. The job is beyond their scope and expertise.. Darkscape was a great example of this.. The game costs so much just to maintain that they couldn't even afford to keep a server open with twice the player base as the deadman server.
The game is to advanced for such a small team to develop . They built themselves something they can't afford to expand upon.
That is a depressing outlook to have.... I don't think J-Mods are begging on the streets though
Reality sucks sometimes. I'm just being frank about it. Don't think for a minute that I am happy about the mismanagement of my favorite rpg of all time. ( I actually can't play any rpg for any length of time without missing something about rs.)
03-Dec-2016 00:15:57
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03-Dec-2016 00:16:30
Jon Stryder
That was written over 2 years ago, before NXT, before expansions, before a lot of things. So exactly how long is
'the foreseeable future'
in the gaming industry?
It's generally synonymous with Gabe Newell's "projected release date for half life 3."
Jagex have tried to adapt the gameworld to better fit NXT with things like obscuring the islands to make them SEEM further away, and scale things UP, like white wolf molehill turning into White Wolf Putty Mountain. New areas are going to generally be bigger to take advantage of the render distance. This is what we're seeing and can generally expect to continue to see.
Come on Jagex, pay your friend who knows about cars and grow this wonderful game of yours!
Am I doing it right Fosbinder? Will this get the ball rolling
It would if JaGex was actually taking responsibility for the game. Sadly though, they pass the decision making to the players who just want a pretty red car to look at through the window as they afk .( The result of allowing pure statistics to drive future content. )
04-Dec-2016 22:35:47
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04-Dec-2016 22:45:37
Lego Miester
Jagex have tried to adapt the gameworld to better fit NXT with things like obscuring the islands to make them SEEM further away, and scale things UP, like white wolf molehill turning into White Wolf Putty Mountain.
As you say, a lot of this is 'slight of hand' to make things SEEM further away. Islands are still just as close to the mainland, but are now hidden behind invisible walls to block them from NXTs longer draw distances. And yes, White Wolf mountain was reworked to be higher, placing more strain on the surrounding areas giving them less room to be developed themselves.
Lego Miester
New areas are going to generally be bigger to take advantage of the render distance. This is what we're seeing and can generally expect to continue to see.
I agree, new areas are bigger and better spaced out - generally because they are new Islands, or other worlds hidden through portals, and have no such physical restriction on what size they can be. And don't they make the rest of the game seem old, outdated, small and cramped by comparison! How long until the rest needs to be brought up to that standard?
Lego Miester
But continuing to think Jagex is going to overhaul the entire gameworld, every building, every tree,
every single tile
, when they still haven't graphically updated Karamja, and the only answer you've heard from a jmod is a very clear "no", is just delusional.
I have personally never said
every single tile
needs to be reworked. That
be delusional. But not every tile needs to be reworked. I've always supported splitting the world into self-contained areas, separating these out, then filling in the gaps with copy 'n' past generic features in the first
development cycle
. Then each area can be re-developed individually over time.
–= MEGA Construction Rework =–
Freeform Buildings, Surface World Plots, Community Involvement, Environments, Skills and much, much more...!
04-Dec-2016 22:53:16
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05-Dec-2016 18:56:02
Jon Stryder
I have personally never said [I]every single tile[/I] needs to be reworked. That
be delusional. But not every tile needs to be reworked. I've always supported splitting the world into self-contained areas, separating these out, then filling in the gaps with copy 'n' past generic features in the first instance. Then each area can be re-developed individually over time.
So you would turn runescape into an instanced based game?? That sounds like a terrible downgrade, no matter what scale we get.
Who said instanced? Take the map, chop it up, spread it out, fill in the gaps. No instances - that's just more island/dungeon/hiding-it-in-a-portal tomfoolery.
If the world consisted of 8 tiles, and you made it 3 times bigger by resize in each tile individually, it might be something like this:
Then you just have to look at the transitions between tiles 3 & 4 and 6 & 7 to make sure you don't break anything when you separate out those areas. It's just a question of
the world is enlarged.
By 'self-contained', I mean the area 1-2-3 (let's call it 'Varrock') contains a skilling spot, a bank, and a teleport location so everything you would normally do in that area you can still do in that area and training rates should be relatively unaffected. But this would be further away from the area 4-5-6 (let's call it 'Lumbridge') which contains it's own skilling locations, banks and teleport locations. But separating these areas out creates space between the two that the areas can be expanded into, or where future content could be placed.
By 'first instance', I mean this is the first step in the redevelopment plan, and nothing to do with instancing different areas of the map. (Sorry if you found my late night, sleep deprived choice of words confusing.)
–= MEGA Construction Rework =–
Freeform Buildings, Surface World Plots, Community Involvement, Environments, Skills and much, much more...!
04-Dec-2016 23:13:22
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05-Dec-2016 19:16:08
Jon Stryder
Jon Stryder
Who said instanced? Take the map, chop it up, spread it out, fill in the gaps. No instances - that's just more island/dungeon/hiding-it-in-a-portal tomfoolery.
If the world consisted of 8 tiles, and you made it 3 times bigger by resize in each tile individually, it might be something like this:
Then you just have to look at the transitions between tiles 3 & 4 and 6 & 7 to make sure you don't break anything when you separate out those areas. It's just a question of
the world is enlarged.
By 'self-contained', I mean the area 1-2-3 (let's call it 'Varrock') contains a skilling spot, a bank, and a teleport location so everything you would normally do in that area you can still do in that area and training rates should be relatively unaffected. But this would be further away from the area 4-5-6 (let's call it 'Lumbridge') which contains it's own skilling locations, banks and teleport locations. But separating these areas out creates space between the two that the areas can be expanded into, or where future content could be placed.
By 'first instance', I mean this is the first step in the redevelopment plan, and nothing to do with instancing different areas of the map. (Sorry if you found my late night, sleep deprived choice of words confusing.)
Great thoughts and ideas from Jon Stryder yet again.
This is exactly how I would imagine they would scale up Runescape, it isn't Minecraft they don't have to build the world tile by tile. By doing it the way you mention Jon, Runescape gets the space it needs and Jagex can continue doing the fantastic reworks of towns that they are so good at.