
'Fresher' Start Worlds '2'

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H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Alright, let's discuss how these changes positively/negatively impact the game mode itself. As a whole - I personally find these changes to be much more positive than the original draft, but even if these are the final cut, I'm still going to provide criticism because I expect these events to be repeated - as RS will always need to pull in lapsed players.

Let's get into the details!

Accessing Fresh Start Worlds with a code obtained from using a bond on a main account is........fine, I guess. This at the very least does give particularly experienced existing players the opportunity to experience FSWs without having to pay real-world money on their second subscription. The solution here seems pretty creative... and it's a positive step because it increases accessibility - for the WRONG people.

The proper solution for this was to make Fresh Start Worlds Free-to-Play as well as fully experienced through a membership sub. Nothing says accessibility like free - and if we're really celebrating 300m accounts, how many of those players have fond memories of playing the free game? I think the given reason in the FAQ (which is oddly different from Mod Kalaya's reasoning last week, now citing "competition" as the reason) doesn't hold up when you would need to be a member to score well on the high scores in the first place. Missed opportunity for growth here, I feel. However, I suppose it's good that at least existing players can more reasonably enjoy the game-mode (even though it's not supposed to be for this group, but I digress.)

Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

26-Aug-2022 02:23:55

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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The game integrity updates involving boons being removed from the mode are perfectly acceptable to me. Getting a pet at an increased rate or getting full levels through items seem pretty integrity breaking and unfair as a maxed player with several pets obtained through normal gameplay and rates associated with it.

BUT - hitting the experience curve seems like an area where you could have afforded to stand your ground, Jagex. My reasoning is - there are instances where players can expect to have boosted experience rates in the normal game - examples being when the player has access to Knowledge Bombs, or when there is Double XP available depending on the season. This would have been the best possible area to "jump-start" newer accounts. Heck, I'd even go so far and say Old School is missing the mark by not having boosted xp be a factor in it's own Fresh Start Worlds, because they also have similar situations in their experience (Leagues, Deadman Mode) that provide those boosted rates.


It's right to be able to apply these fun cosmetics to Irons if the player earned both the pre-requisite achievement on their iron, -and- did so in Fresh Start Worlds.

It's also right to promise these rares will be available to players who choose not to play the game mode in the main game, but it probably should be specified in which way. Adding the cosmetics onto Treasure Hunter will completely nullify any goodwill this is supposed to achieve, but saving the rewards for something like a real League, or adding them to particular skill achievements in the main game, would work nicely. More information is certainly needed here - but I can respect not having details at this time.


One bond a week during the competitive phase is the best change made to the game mode. This, coupled with the fact that there is a fresh Grand Exchange and the amount of available RSGP in the mode will be scarce early on, probably makes buyable skills much closer to competition ready.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

26-Aug-2022 02:37:17

Jun Member 2006


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It is much harder to implement free to play, especially in a 4 month temporary event because of the rewards. Even in permanent content, free to play are restricted to some content and has reduced xp rate/rewards from the one they can access. I am pretty sure Jagex want to monetize events with rewards like RS3 FSW and OSRS Leagues/DMM/Boss Bash Raffle too. That's why they require membership in all of them.

I don't see where Jagex mentioned Knowledge Bombs, DXP don't apply to FSW. AFAIK, FSW get all the regular updates the main game gets.

What do you mean by "saving the rewards for something like a real League"? We can easily see Jagex said in RS3 FSW the major rewards can be obtained outside it where in the "real" League Jagex never said the same thing. As far as all of us can see, all the items we earned from the first 3 OSRS Leagues remain exclusive to those specific Leagues and those who didn't participate in them including the new and lapsed players yet to return can't earn them at all anywhere else.

If there is something Jagex need to do, they should tell us whether we can obtain all those rewards from OSRS Leagues 1 - 3 the way they did today to the RS3 FSW rewards. but I can respect them not revealing when and what future events or MTX like bonds, Boss Bash Raffle etc we can get the past OSRS Leagues rewards rather.

26-Aug-2022 03:37:14 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2022 03:42:37 by Dilbert2001

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Dilbert - I more or less agree with you on the fact that the membership subscription pretty much nearly automatically grants the player with the Legendary Pet and that the reward track is a more or less "reasonable" thing to withhold from free players - but this falls apart simply because of this statement I'm about to make here - and that quite simply is, that the rewards - as cool and desirable as they are - are far from necessary to implement in a game-state like Fresh Start Worlds, where it's possible the players that were surveyed about the mode only wanted the opportunity to start in a fresh game with their friends all over again. I'm going to refuse to believe lapsed players needed exclusive rewards to play Rs3, particularly when OSRS has a similar Fresh Start Worlds and are offering no such incentives to play their version.

They didn't - but if the point of the game mode is to provide lapsed players a fast-track crash-course experience of what RS3 is, even so far as introducing MTX as a recurring part of the experience in the later half of the event - then it seems fair to say that DXP weekend or using a Knowledge Bomb (which you can get currently in the Dragon's Dozen MTX event through a black gem!) could be emulated with the older xp curve they were originally using. You're not gonna tell me you disagreed with the xp curve last week now, are you?

I'll dumb the statement down for you then. Earn inverted skillcape/halo pet through gameplay? Good. Earn it through MTX? Bad. - and misses the point of players' complaints last week, which is why the change occurred this week.

Which of these events' rewards are you really missing out on so much that you bring it up in every thread I make? Leagues are limited time events and each one has a totally different theme. In the meantime, I play Rs3. I wanna know how to get my inverted skillcape - a relevant item to this discussion - outside of Fresh Start Worlds.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

26-Aug-2022 04:13:36

Jun Member 2006


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If you don't agree with what Jagex (both RS3 and OSRS and many different Jmods) said, either you provide your credible sources or there is no point in creating different threads and repeating the same things so we don't have to go to so many different threads you created to rebut you.

RS3 never said anything about MTX when they talked about all major FSW rewards can be obtained outside it. It is only fair for OSRS to tell us if we can obtain Leagues rewards outside Leagues the same way RS3 did today. If you want RS3 to tell you what sources, MTX or not, we can get FSW rewards, please do the same thing with OSRS Leagues.

Don't tell us OSRS Leagues rewards have different themes. How are Dwarven Multicannon Ornament Kits a themed League item but Purple Skin is not? Why is it a League 3 rewards but not League 1, 2, 4 , 5, 6 etc? Why f2p can't play Leagues?

26-Aug-2022 04:28:28

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Actually, that was the first time you genuinely addressed F2P. You (and Jagex) say that rewards are a reasonable barrier for the entire experience to be blocked behind a subscription fee. Myself, and several other players mayhaps who are allowed to give their opinion in the hopes of this mode being the best it can possibly be for everyone, say that you can place the rewards behind the subscription fee without having to cause players to miss the experience outright simply because they want to start their fresh start account in the free area of the game and trial the game with the fresh G.E. and their peers also starting all over again. Did the Old School team outright say their version is free because there isn't incentives in it? Absolutely.

And yet, they decided it was best for their version of FSWs to lack incentives in favor of allowing players to experience the game mode for free anyway. That means that RS3, even if they wanted to give you rewards in a members world, can do the same - no problem.


The potential issue, Dilbert, is that they didn't say anything about the rewards AT ALL other than, they'll be available at a later date for existing players. Players have every reason to worry they could make these rewards MTX-barred or encouraged like the Rainbow items or the Green Santa Hat/Platinum Nex items.... and given that there are creative ways one could reasonably earn these items (such as in a different game mode in the future, or completing a skill's achievement list) suggested out there on Reddit and elsewhere, paywalling these rewards in the future would be a genuine slap in the face. Players don't -know- that this is what Jagex will do - but they want more details because it will give them peace of mind. There's nothing wrong with that.


Did you know that Twisted League was centered around the new area of Kourend? or that Shattered Relics had its own weird lore? They're -absolutely- different each time and themed accordingly.
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

26-Aug-2022 04:44:25

Jun Member 2021


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As for the statement
"We're committed to ensuring the majority of items from Fresh Start Worlds are available again in the future." - From Jagex, today's FSW news

The key words in that statement are "Majority" then followed by "Future". That could mean six out of ten items and what Months or a year? We still haven't received the new Proteans as convertible or from the packs as an example of the "the Future".

26-Aug-2022 05:00:51 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2022 05:03:05 by Squirrlee

Jun Member 2006


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Nobody disallows you to give your opinion, but as you admitted you are giving us the same "you don't believe Jmods" comment over different threads. Of course, every one should question your opinion without any sources.

OSRS said they already have game modes with incentives not aimed or new and long lapsed players, that's why they don't afford the time to add content to FSW. That's why free players can play. But we will still need to buy extra membership if we want to play as a member in OSRS FSW.

Again, why question RS3 about MTX regarding their rewards, but intentionally mum on OSRS's Leagues rewards aren't even obtainable outside the specific Leagues? And why don't you address the MTX fear of OSRS players regarding the game's feature content, for instance, as Mod Husky once said Marketing has told him about the idea of using Bonds MTX to reset Leagues Data? Why don't you address the fear of future Leagues content being locked behind Bonds, Raffles, Partnership etc?

Don't dodge my real and clear question regarding Leagues rewards. How is Dwarf Multicannon Ornament Kit themed according to Shattered Relic Leagues but not Purple Skin?

26-Aug-2022 05:04:14

Jun Member 2006


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Squirrlee said :
As for the statement
"We're committed to ensuring the majority of items from Fresh Start Worlds are available again in the future." - From Jagex, today's FSW news

The key words in that statement are "Majority" then followed by "Future". That could mean six out of ten items and what Months or a year? We still haven't received the new Proteans as convertible or from the packs as an example of the "the Future".

I'll think competition winner rewards can't be obtained from other sources (excepting through trading) because if they make FSW 2 it will have the similar World First or Hiscores winner event for that iteration.

26-Aug-2022 05:16:46

H 1 L D A
Apr Member 2020

H 1 L D A

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Why do I need a source to disagree with a Jmod? I'm not writing an essay. If Mod Kalaya is going to discredit the many lapsed players who worked hard back in the day just to complete Dragon Slayer and finish their F2P quest log, or spent the majority of their time working on a F2P pure for Pking purposes, or the many players who regularly log in, to this day, and pay Jagex absolutely nothing nor spend any of their GP to continue to play the F2P version, than that's her business. She's a grown up - she can handle other grown ups doing the responsible thing and telling her that she's wrong when she is in fact, wrong, about RuneScape being a subscription based game.

It's also not like I disagree with JMods all the time. Kalaya was spot on throughout the rest of the livestream, and I've already told you several times that Mods Jack and Hooli were right to get out in front of the issue last week. It's not my fault if you're not wanting to read when I do agree with Jagex.


But Fresh Start Worlds aren't for existing players even -if- RS3 never gets a League or something else similar that is designed for that group. Again, as cool as the rewards are, they are totally unnecessary in this instance. Not everyone wants to pay a recurring subscription to a game they may not want to come back to in the long run, but they would probably enjoy trialing it, especially if their friends were back at square one with them. Old School using that model doesn't mean that RS3 is absolutely wedded to the one where they need to offer incentives. It's really as simple of placing the rewards behind the subscription wall like the rest of the upper level content that they would maybe want to have during the event later on should they like what they've started.


Because for the fortieth time, I'm not talking about Old School RuneScape! This is bordering on harassment...
Quest Cape Owner since 2021

- July 31st, 2022

26-Aug-2022 05:30:43

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