I'm not yet comped, only half-way, I'm already maxed and only 30 quests away from the quest cape. I don't like these ideas at all, they make all the effort, in effect, null and void. Why would you want to make the capes "cosmetic only"? That's a horrible idea, and I'm all for FashionScape.
I'm holding back from comping because it's a bit too much for me, but I plan on it at some point within a year or two.
With all these new suggestions in that document, it looks like it'll be more complicated than it already is and doesn't make it look appealing to want to comp. I know that if these ideas are implemented, I won't have the desire to want to comp.
I agree with an earlier statement in this thread, make the poll available to those who have already comped/trimmed. It won't be a fair vote and they've already been through the grief of getting the cape, let them decide since they'll know better than the average player.
Why not just work out the comp requirements itself and leave the other capes alone? Don't have it as a cosmetic either. Just sort out the requirements for comp and trimmed only, don't make it more complicated. Your ideas for the quest cape make no sense either, also, just move the Reaper requirements to trimmed. I love PVM, but I don't want to do all the bosses, not a fan of solo and some of the other bosses. But this is me, and also part of the reason I don't want to comp yet. Just move some of the "bigger" requirements to trimmed, it'll make a lot more sense this way.