1. Recategorizing the achievements seems to be much more trouble than it's work, and would almost certainly "cheapen" the idea of completionism. The "tiers" of lore and skill theoretically makes sense, but this just brings you right back into the same problem of players not really having much incentive to wear other capes, since questers and skillers would still perceive the Comp Cape as the "final" goal that they're supposed to be striving for.
2. Unlocking the effects of Ava's Accumulator sounds perfectly fine, but I think it should be treated similar to how Fairy Tale III made it so we do not need the Lunar Staff to use Fairy Rings. You do need to use Ava's Accumulator itself during Do No Evil to receive the alerter, so maybe change it so that a reward for Do No Evil, not Animal Magnetism, is the ability to receive the permanent passive?
3. The cape stats seem okay? Though it sort of gives the impression that any cape can serve as a substitute Comp Cape, so this rework feels more and more like undermining what the Comp Cape was supposed to represent. I understand that you want players to have a variety of options, but the biggest issue seems to be that you see the Comp Cape as a dead end, and frankly I don't see how this fixes that. If anything, it's just padding out the gap between when you receive your first skillcape and when you receive the Comp Cape. That's probably what you were going for, but I think it needs to be stressed that this does nothing to revitalize endgame players.
4. Related to the above point, the Tier-3 cape will bring you
back to where you started. Once players get the Tier-3 cape, what will they have to work towards? This cape would just inherit all the problems of the current cape. And "owning and wearing a Tier-2 or Tier-3 Comp Cape will not give any extra stats or benefits beyond Tier-1"? Then what incentive would people have to even them it beyond cosmetics? Bragging rights, sure, but what else?
12-Mar-2019 14:54:57