Design Doc:
"Then, within each achievement category, we'd create a 'meta achievement' for each tier.
For example (not final):
-Tier 1 Lore could require all quests to be completed (and replace the quest cape).
-Tier 2 Lore could require all the mini- & post-quest achievements (plus Tier 1 Lore).
-Tier 3 Lore could require the rest of the lore category achievements and all the lore
books (plus Tier 2 Lore)."
I'm really not happy with the idea of only 3 Tiers, especially for a Lore Cape. I remember struggling with Dragon Slayer, and finally completed it after I went Member. (I'll admit that I probably transitioned from F2P to P2P far too early.) So here is the perfect opportunity to create an F2P
Quest Cape!
Most of the capes could probably benefit from more than 3 Tiers in a similar way. This approach also has the benefit of an easier and better match between content designer objectives and player expectations. If there were a distinct difference of the developers' and the players' opinions concerning the Tier assignment for a piece of content, we could assume that the difference in Tier would seem less abrupt over a greater number of Tiers (assuming the developer hasn't suffered an undiagnosed brain injury!)
Skills: 511, mostly Max Cape related
Combat: 490, mostly Boss and Combat Skill Cape related
Lore: 274, all the most ornery Comp Achievements
Exploration: 751 (!!!), mostly Task Outfit related
Minigames: 57 (Why bother? These are not "Achievements" in any real sense.)
Miscellaneous: 85 (Do we need these?)
These last two categories *put together* only add up to 142 "Achievements???", nowhere near the 2,026 (!!!) of the first four! I personally could live with them disappearing entirely.
"With three tiers and six categories, that would give us 18 meta achievements."
As far as I can see, there need only be four categories. With only FOUR CATEGORIES, there would be plenty of room for additional Tiers, as per above.
[Graphics] Drivers Wanted.
13-Mar-2019 17:50:12