One thing I am definitely unhappy about is eliminating the Completionist Cape except as something grandfathered.
I see that there is plenty of room between other capes and the Completionist Cape for new capes, at least in terms of stats.
So here's how I look at what could be done:
Add a trimmed max cape, requiring 99 in all skills, and 120 in all skills for which 120 is not virtual. Combat bonuses of 27 instead of 26.
Instead of only allowing the TokHaar-Kal-Ket, TokHarr-Kal-Xil, and TokHarr-Kal-Mej to be used to get the Enhanced Fire Cape, which is only a cosmetic override of the Fire Cape, let them be combined with the trimmed max cape for a cape with bonuses of 31 in all styles.
Rename the current trimmed Completionist Cape to the trimmed Master Completionist Cape, rename the current Completionist Cape to the trimmed Completionist Cape, leaving their perks and bonuses as is.
The untrimmed Master Completionist Cape would be what the trimmed Completionist Cape was before Mazcab Raids. Same perks, but bonuses of 40 in each combat style. The untrimmed Completionist Cape would be what the Completionist Cape was before Mazcab raids, again, same perks, but bonuses of 38 in each combat style.
Then create a new Master Combat Cape which has high requirements, but not ones irrelevant to PvM, with completionist cape perks and bonuses of 36 in each combat style. But would that be high enough? For PvM, one needs the "best".
And the other thing is, to earn either that cape, or the Completionist Cape, one has to defeat the really tough monsters. How is one to do that without a powerful cape to help?
12-Mar-2019 19:28:18