Boldly Rule
I have played the old style quests enough in the history of the game. If there were to be more quests per year maybe some new format for quests progression should be developed. For example, if you do a quest some new skilling niche is uncovered and you get some benefit. If you do a further quest along the line you progress deeper into the skill or you unlock more difficult combat options for certain bosses. Or when you complete an achievement you complete a quest as a reward and gain something. Quest could be woven differently in gameplay to make the whole game feel engaging in terms of storyline.
I'm definitely up for a change! As long as we start to get a few more quests developing the outstanding storylines, a different format might be all that it needs.
Quests should start unlocking important elements in the game that everyone wants
(Like Temple at Senntisten did with Curses, Ectophial from Ghosts Ahoy etc).
Support for more quests, and more focus put on quests. I also agree with Nex that "quality over quantity" is utter BS.
Quests are one of the few things I regard in Runescape as
. The things worth looking forward to. Unlike the horrid, repetitive grind that is "skilling." On that note, Menaphos quests being locked behind a grindwall made me quit RS for a year, and I never, ever want to see BS like that again.
I certainly think that the "blockbuster" quests that need a bunch of new assets should be less of a focus, and only occur as major climaxes or capstones to a series. Then an increased number of less development intensive quests can be released.
To me, quests are what makes RS stand out among other MMOs, especially when they have a focus on puzzles.
Exactly right about quests being content. All game content isn't supposed to be reusable in my opinion. Console games have limited "reusable" content usually as you play through the storyline and as much as you can start the game again to replay that content, it's still not regarded as reusable because you'd have to make a new save file and restart. It's the same thing with RuneScape in a way; you could start again to re-complete quests if you wanted to.
The grinding for the Menaphos reputation I found okay as it was a tad different to unlock quests through reputation, however, if it is done again in another area, it won't work and it was a ridiculous amount of reputation for 4 mediocre, short quests.
We don't need cutscenes in every quest. For the finalé of a questline, new assets should be added if possible although it isn't necessary. I enjoyed Children of Mah's
lava interactable cutscene
for example, but again, not necessary in every quest, just potentially in some of the bigger ones.
RS quests are more than go and kill this monster, they have story and meaning. If RS lost their quests, it would stop being different.
Hunteresque - The Picturesque Hunter
Master Quest Cape Owner - 20/05/2021
Agreed. While modern gaming is all about teleporting to skilling spot or most gp giving boss monster, quests are traditional part of Runescape and adventure game is supposed to be.
Many people dislike quests, I am not greatest fan of them either, mostly because of traumas from childhood. But lately I have found newer quests enjoyable and stories intresting, and it is always certain feeling of accomplishment after getting one done.
RuneScape should not be all about shortcuts and even if it is, it should still, as you said, have the traditional elements of the game also, such as a fair amount of quests yearly.
Not every quest is 100% amazing, although, they all have their good and bad parts except for the truly formidable ones. There definitely is that sense of accomplishment after completing a quest.
Hunteresque - The Picturesque Hunter
Master Quest Cape Owner - 20/05/2021
dont you see behind the lines?
people wanted M and S rework
people voted 120 slay
people voted on slayer stuff
people voted on combat pets
people will and going to vote on boss and creatures and skills
people voted on clue scroll rework
ofc that takes work to do and have higher priority and in the old days you had both some of the osrs team + rs3 team in one team aswell
i am pretty sure there was available option to vote for quests in survey and polls, Jag can never satisfy all its player base, but if people dont want quest and it never passes the poll then there is no need to pull out some quest just to do it to do it, instead of making something cool.
I dont think majority cares about the quest exept the lorelovers, there is a reason why people uses guides to get through it asap, me myself would rather see 100 other updates before 1 single quest update
It's not a matter of getting x update or a quest, there have always been concurrent updates to quests, skills and PvM.
Those polls weren't a choices between, say 120 slayer or a quest, it was whether people thought Slayer should be increased to 120.
With profits higher than ever Jagex aren't exactly overstreched
All areas of the game need to be tended to, none shunned. Quests are essential for many people, as others have said in this thread, without it the game is just a dry skilling grind. RuneScape is an RPG and it was built on quests and story.
You'll get it when you deserve it.
It's not a matter of getting x update or a quest, there have always been concurrent updates to quests, skills and PvM.
Those polls weren't a choices between, say 120 slayer or a quest, it was whether people thought Slayer should be increased to 120.
With profits higher than ever Jagex aren't exactly overstreched
All areas of the game need to be tended to, none shunned. Quests are essential for many people, as others have said in this thread, without it the game is just a dry skilling grind. RuneScape is an RPG and it was built on quests and story.
Yup, nothing to dispute here. Nex is Life is correct when he/she says that it wasn't a choice between 120 Slayer and a quest. I don't believe Slayer needed to be increased to Lv120
I'm not totally against it either.
The game is a dry skilling grind without quests and storylines, hence why in my first post on this thread, I made the point about quests fuelling RuneScape and being the backbone of the game and that's why I believe we need more of them.
Hunteresque - The Picturesque Hunter
Master Quest Cape Owner - 20/05/2021
F2P needs more quests. There are too many mem quests compared to F2P quests.
JAGEX PLEASE START PLANING FOR A 300Million Account Event.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quick find code: 185-186-627-65997434
F2P needs more quests. There are too many mem quests compared to F2P quests.
??? Pay for members and unlock 200+ more quests
Considering F2P got one of the largest updates last year: Including a new skill "to them" and all sorts of new items, weapons and areas. You really shouldn't complain since you spend 0 $ on this game.
F2P needs more quests. There are too many mem quests compared to F2P quests.
??? Pay for members and unlock 200+ more quests
Considering F2P got one of the largest updates last year: Including a new skill "to them" and all sorts of new items, weapons and areas. You really shouldn't complain since you spend 0 $ on this game.
There are people who play this game just for fun, and do not want to pay for membership. If Jagex keeps F2P the way it is, it will start to get dull and F2Pers will leave Runescape. It is wrong to state that F2P does not contribute to Jagex's revenue.
F2Pers can get membership by buying bonds on GE. Now the bonds get on GE in the first place when some P2Per buys the bond in the first place and sells it on the GE. So theoretically F2Pers are paying Jagex, but via someone else, who is paying for the bonds and selling them on the GE.
JAGEX PLEASE START PLANING FOR A 300Million Account Event.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Quick find code: 185-186-627-65997434
Yes, the first one we've had in near enough 4 months. I understand that it takes a while to develop quests, however, 4 months is way too long a wait for a new one. The storylines will never get finished!
Hunteresque - The Picturesque Hunter
Master Quest Cape Owner - 20/05/2021