dont you see behind the lines?
people wanted M and S rework
people voted 120 slay
people voted on slayer stuff
people voted on combat pets
people will and going to vote on boss and creatures and skills
people voted on clue scroll rework
ofc that takes work to do and have higher priority and in the old days you had both some of the osrs team + rs3 team in one team aswell
i am pretty sure there was available option to vote for quests in survey and polls, Jag can never satisfy all its player base, but if people dont want quest and it never passes the poll then there is no need to pull out some quest just to do it to do it, instead of making something cool.
I dont think majority cares about the quest exept the lorelovers, there is a reason why people uses guides to get through it asap, me myself would rather see 100 other updates before 1 single quest update
18-Mar-2018 14:55:36