It seems like at least some OSRS lovers realize old school minigames in OSRS are as dead as in RS3.
However, they don't realize LMS, Emir Arena and such aren't the kind of minigames RS3 players and Jmods want. These are dueling/staking/gambling activities that don't add a thing to the MMORPG progression. RS3 explicitly removed Duel Arena for the reason of gambling. That's why they don't add staking/gambling type of minigames to RS3, by design.
RS3 does have pvp minigames the non-gambling variety. We have Warbands, Sinkholes etc only that they actually give rewards that add to the RPG experience and progression of RS3 players, and not just serve as mean of gambling or transfer of wealth/items between 2 players.
Skilling minigames? We absolutely have that in RS3. Creosus ia actually a minigame by its own right. BGH, Herby Werby, Herblore Habitat, Runespan etc etc are all skilling minigames that are highly popular. Don't even get me into the older ones like POP and Evil Trees (that inspire OSRS to mimic them with the upcoming Sailing and Forestry) and Shooting Stars which OSRS also copied.
What about Wilderness Flash Events? They are absolutely immensely popular in RS3, and what makes them even better is they have both skilling and killing elements all up to the preference of all kinds of players.
Now, for those who are explicitly fond of old minigames, I think the more realistic scenarios for them to receive great improvements is when the upcoming content are tied into them. For example, Barrows have seen a lot of great improvements, all the way leading to T90 rewards from RotS, because of (then) new major content of Sliske. Barrows may get another boost with Necromancy because it is necromancy themed anyway. Otherwise, why should RS3 even touch BA, Pest Control and such antiquated content when the ongoing stories don't call for them?
15-May-2023 16:12:46
- Last edited on
15-May-2023 16:17:26