It was a tad overwhelming to get through the "catch up" caused by conversion. But once I claimed each step from the conversion and other things already done that were in the missions, it now seems relatively simple.
Except: There is the mission to complete 20 assignments from The Raptor. On number 1, I was given a choice due to the 120 slayer cape (like so many of you already have as well), completed it, and I saw I was at 1 of 20. I then got a second assignment, and it was the special "Raptor Challenge" (I had already completed getting my trophies, all three of them). So when I completed it, my count stayed at 1 of 20. I imagine there is the trigger that says "assignment complete, X in a row, get a new assignment" that does not trigger on those (or I just missed it). But it seems to me that if The Raptor offers a "Raptor Challenge" and I accept it, and I get slayer experience for it, then it should also count in the new missions and my count should have gone to 2 of 20.
Small thing. If offered that again, I will decline and get a regular assignment, at least as long as the mission for 20/20 is out there.
Play it a bit, it is different that daily challenges, but not really that different.
04-Sep-2023 22:49:13