I read about the Hero Pass. I figured it was a fair enough replacement of the Yak Trak system. One in, one out, an attempt at matching other games, yada yada. What I'm terribly upset to wake up to is having 3 keys a day and not 6 keys, as I can't do dailies anymore. Must have missed that somewhere in the patch notes - I assumed you were just replacing one system with another, not debilitating my quick and easy daily rewards.
So let's get right down to it - extremely fast daily XP is nerfed. For the 99 Maxed majority this is probably inconsequential and they get a new system. I imagine they are still out 3 keys. Personally, I was gaming the system to finish off my XP. I only had Archaeology not at 99 left - I got 3 Archaeology dailies each day. Log in, dig a hole, 99k XP, Bob's your favourite cat.
Hero Pass took the rug right out from under me, honestly. Sorry mate, no 100K a day for you, here's a cat and a skeleton six pack. I was being directly rewarded for only having one skill left. Terribly rude, to be honest.
Look at my account history. You make an interesting change, I cough up an annual membership. You bungle an update, I go disappear for 1-3 years and come snooping around again later. It's genius, the annual membership. Lets you stabilize subscriptions through good patches and bad. Bungled this one. I'm all for having a go at a different Yak Trak, some ignorable optional on top of my every day, but you took my brekky. I wake up, make a nice bowl of vis wax, and eat my Archaeology triple daily. Not anymore though. Seems the doc is in and told me I'm low on calcium.
04-Sep-2023 14:49:17