I for one like this update. I have hundreds, if not thousand of seeds lying dormant in my bank. at 7 seeds per run (about 5 minute runs), it would take me months to use them all up, and by then my seed storage would've filled up even more from doing other content.
Now I can burn 70 seeds (not counting bloodweeds) at once in a 5 minute run, something that would've taken me 50 minutes to do with that amount of seeds.
on average, i notice i get about 250-300 herbs per run (10 seeds, with aura and juju), which averages out at around 3.5 herb per seed. This is obviously a lot lower than before. If I would do 1 seed at a time, i could easily average about 10 herbs per seed.
If I put those numbers together, I would get 700-800 herbs on average vs the 250-300 from 10 seeds at once, a difference of about 500 herbs. But what's very important, is that it would take me 50 minutes of running herbs instead of 5 minutes. the 45 minutes I save can be used in another activity that makes money.
Lets say I sold those 500 herbs from the 1 seed runs at about 8k ea (something like lantadymes, torstols or dwarf weeds), I would make 4m in those 45 minutes extra, which averages around 5.3m gp/h.
Now I don't know about you, but I can make way more than 5m an hour playing endgame content. Now I can dedicate more time to it instead of running around doing herbs.
And last but not least, let's also concider that there aren't a lot of people that can burn through thousand of seeds doing 1 seed per patch. I used to be one of them, and those seeds were just sitting in my bank, no profit to be made there.
TL;DR: Time is money and this is a good update.
14-Nov-2022 16:59:50