well i played again, and daily messages on osr show me an offer i can't refuse, 5 more bank slots, well i went to jagex accounts... and linked my old account and now i can't play in runelite or runescape client, when i try runelite it shows a message that i need to log in with rune client, and when i use it, it shows rs3... what rubbish, can anyone help me with this?
ps: there no exist a way to contact with personal support...
It sounds like you just need to change which game to launch, p0zolit0.
Once you've logged into the Jagex Launcher with your Jagex Account, you can pick which game to play in the top left of the launcher window:
From there, you can pick RuneLite from the dropdown (and it will pick up on your existing RuneLite install), select the character to play, and it should load everything up for you.
Mrs Ana
Mrs Ana
Mrs Ana
I just logged in. It's the same process: I have to use the Jagex account email address instead of my old character name and it prompts me to select which account to use to post on the Forums.
I haven't had any issues since this post here, which was almost a month ago.
The process has worked flawlessly for me. No issues so far.
Still no issues so far
Mixed Slush
I had a lot of issues with it so I stopped logging in.
Ideky they did it.
Its smoother logging in
Better security
2 big reasons
Hmmm, RuneScape Accounts do offer the same. Security is a combination of things where one has to break the chain of bad intend as soon as possible, or even before it can happen. You need to sandbox your virtual environment(s).
Mixed Slush
I had a lot of issues with it so I stopped logging in.
Ideky they did it.
Its smoother logging in
Better security
2 big reasons
Hmmm, RuneScape Accounts do offer the same. Security is a combination of things where one has to break the chain of bad intend as soon as possible, or even before it can happen. You need to sandbox your virtual environment(s).
Actually I found the complete opposite and Jagex are the only people who have done any harm to my accounts but like I said I already explained that to them. So, I've done my bit. Not interested in debate.
Anyone having an issue with jagex launcher saying could not add your acc, i currently cant log in on any of my accounts cause when i sign in i get that error message so then i cant choose any of my accounts.