I placed an overnight buy offer and yet I was still capable of getting coin refunds/discounts. My offer was in the box first so wasn't the seller supposed to get the offer benefit?
Are you surprised that Subjugations change their price every day (checked the graphs and not a single day this month of 0)? They have a buy limit of 1 yet they still accumulate more trade volume than unfinished potions? How is that realistic?
Maple - which unfinished potion are you looking at? I think most of those have a high trade volume. Subjugation is a really popular armor. It doesn't degrade and has a decent magic bonus. It's limited to 1, but lots of players buy & sell it, so I'm not surprised its price updates every day. The minimum quantity required for a price to update is not very high.
Almost all unfinished potions take 2 days to change prices.
But do people really need to buy more than 2 pieces? I only have one of each piece in my bank so I should be good.
So if the minimum required to change a price isn't high then does that mean that most unfinished potions are very low trade volume? Some combination runes also take days to update.
The minimum quantity required for a price change might actually be measured in gp, in other words, the price changes once X million gp worth of the item is traded.