Prelude to Invention Guide.
Disclaimer: These are just some general tips and ideas for the way I trained Invention. I am well aware that they are not necessarily the most efficient and also that they are highly dependent on one's play style, goals, present levels, free time, gp and shoe size. For that reason I give my own general background so my advice can be judged in that context.
Back ground:
When Invention came out I was reasonably close to maxing. Dung was the last one left. I wept salty tears of pure grief to have my max cape stolen from me just as it was becoming in reach. Those Jagexy Monsters!
With only dung left as an available daily task I had toggled off all dailies except dung.
( Invention does not have a daily ). I decided I would max dung purely through dailies and channel all available free and bxp into invention. This is halved in xp value, but I had nothing better to spend it on.
I resisted spending considerable sums of money on invention becasue I am a cheap and nasty noob. Therefore I looked for ways to gain Invention xp at the cheapest cost. I found some methods that were actually profitable. Bear in mind that these methods may no longer be profitable so I would suggest checking them out yourself first before relying upon them.
Play style:
I usually log in every day becasue I can not resist those free TH keys. I usually make a point of getting every spare ounce of free gp free xp and bonus xp, to the point where I have a list of things to do next to my laptop. Yeah. I am a nerd. Sue me.
I do some activities that I know are not efficient. I just can't break my old habits. I just can't!

To get dat juicy comp cape. Oh yeah Baby.
Be warned: This is going to be messy. I may forget some points and stand to be corrected on others. Take it all with a grain of salt until I or someone else verifies what I have said. I will be editing and adding posts as I go. I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
10-Jan-2017 05:15:17