Golly! This all sounds so final.
But I must say I have been thinking that clan Grief has run its course. If you have all enjoyed your time posting here then be assured that I most certainly have had much pleasure in reading all your creativity, wit, and good humour.
As I confessed to Shady Nick in chat once, we are just a private chat thread. No more, no less. A place where we could share our sense of humour without being bothered. And we have been very successful in this regard. Quality posts that have had me in tears of laughter. Postings of hilarious and very thoughtful images, the creation of bizarre scenarios that we have all collaborated on. No morons posting their crap here, no spam posts, no drama, no mediocrity, no cabbages hiding posts and locking.
We essentially created a self moderating sub forum, albeit a small one, relying upon the quality of the content we posted to sustain it.
But there was one failure. We just didn't seem able to expand much on our "membership." I regret this for I am sure there are many more forum users out there with whom we share the same values. I had naively imagined that the curious would have a look at our thread and say "My God, these people are mad! I want to be part of that!" I imagined that some would "join" and contribute, letting us grow substantially in numbers and therefore adding to the content and the diversity of our bent dialogue.
I think I know the reasons why, as I am sure all of you do. Our disguise as a "Griefing" "anti-clan" made us too obscure. Not being obscure though, I think, would have lead to an immediate lock by the cabbages. We never seriously recruited because we are all too drunk, fat and lazy, and because active recruitment might defeat the purpose anyway.
So in summary I think that if we wish to continue then its time to reinvent ourselves. As something new, something different.
Oh, and when we do close the door on clan Grief, lets go out with a bang. Is that a B52 I see?
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
29-Nov-2016 03:06:28