Shut up. ShutupShutupShutupShutupShutup cease & desist. And shhhhhhh!!
Never mention it again in public otherwise people might start thinking you've used that new mind controlling drug you've been not-so-secretly developing in your attic laboratory.
Especially when they notice the unaccountable bruises and shredded clothing.
Furthermore we will all deny that we didn't know you didn't know about not knowing that you didn't know it.
Lol! "Yellow Oyster" indeed glorious!
Yas, yas...I know it.
'Sides, had to push the Page up at the time, dint I?
Gee whiz, Anti-Clan GRIEF got so many Operations,
ya need a folder to keep track of Whut's whut...
'Ceptin for Miz Fifi...She keeps track of her whuts rather nicely...
It's her "atta girls" she has problems with...
But we keep getting her new ones.
17-Nov-2017 15:20:09
- Last edited on
17-Nov-2017 15:52:34
(thank you for the atta girl I'll put a tracking device on this one and while you're here could I have the glittery eye patch, pretty please? Arrrrrrr, mateys!)