From out of the stygian darkness a lone voice emanates, clear and pure as a steeple bell:
"Follow not the gourd, nor the sandal. Follow instead the one true Merchandiser".
And, lo! From the murk came a figure verily blinding all with her glowing halo of righteousness, riding a snow white steed and accompanied by a mighty host.
"I gift you this, for the salvation of your mortal souls" she said, and cast upon the ground before them a small casket immaculately conceived by golden towels.
And in a languorous swirl of evanescence, the vision was gone.
The warring factions ceased their wranglings and stared in awe and wonder at the magnificent artefact. A reverent hush fell over the squabbling masses and many fell down onto their knees, weeping and covering their faces, some stretching forth their arms in supplication and adoration.
And, thus, came The Arc of the FiFi to the world.
And with it came peace, and love, and tolerance, and a plentitude of towels.
My God!
A miracle from Saint Fifi! This is a sign from the heavens!
*ponders about what we are doing
Indeed, let there be peace, for how can
ever be polite, even if we are polite against each other?
As a token of my goodwill, I want to raise a proposition: unburden Corugi from his slavery under the condition he tries to be as polite as possible, and I will do the same.
All in favour say 'aye!', all against also say 'aye!'. Those who don't cast their vote will be placed in the 'aye'-camp.
Furthermore, another token of my goodwill: if you want to see my guinea pig who underwent small surgery without any problems and eats, sleeps and poops like nothing ever happened, I can post a picture of her here one of the following days. All in favour say 'aye!', all against also say 'aye!'. Those who don't cast their vote will be placed in the 'aye'-camp.
In the meantimen enjoy this happy stampede!
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
No Trewavas, Fifi is not the enemy, she is the saviour of us all!
Let us make peace!
We cannot ignore the miracle of
golden towels
Imagine how people would come flocking to the store trying to buy those, then seeing their faces when we say they aren't up for sale!
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
Ordered grey towel 4 days ago did not arrive. Dog is currently wet as of 30 mins ago.
Houston we have a problem
Cease your fighting, we have a costumer!
Dear sir Wolfblue42,
As stated in the opening post:
I think that should solve your problem.
Also, we have some
golden towels
from the Saint Fifi that are not up for sale.
Thank you and please come again!
Oh, and watch your feet, there are some deep holes outside we certainly don't want you to fall in...
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
FiFi LaFeles
And, thus, came The Arc of the FiFi to the world.
And with it came peace, and love, and tolerance, and a plentitude of towels.
Look, do you mind? We are trying to have a nice savage Civil War here. Yet here you come with all this Archangel stuff, preaching peace, love and tolerance and ... oh .... I see. Very cunning. Trying to get in decisive blow in, eh?
WELL! Two can play at that game.
Here, have a look at this! I present to you the GIANT GUINEA PIG OF PEACE!
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.
19-Aug-2018 00:07:31
- Last edited on
19-Aug-2018 00:09:26