I copied the "[quote id=93-94-667-66024825-1184-346048263]" and "[/quote]" parts, which take up 52 characters. This fits 38 times in the 2000 charcter limit, with 24 charcters to spare.
So I did that, screencaptured it, and threw it on Imgur: https://i.imgur.com/0o7lZhG.mp4
It's quite beautiful how the quotes realise they don't have enough space and enter a new spatial dimension.
If you let the quote id out and just use "[quote]", you only use up 15 characters, so you can nest a whopping 133 quotes into each other, with 5 characters left to spare, which is ideal for "bump."
So I tried that as well:
Part 1: https://i.imgur.com/ETlGl03.mp4
Part 2: https://i.imgur.com/WMACg6d.mp4
Part 3: https://i.imgur.com/0aloaDB.mp4
It creates some weird patterns with all those lines.
Suffice to say, the forums can actually handle the extra spatial dimension. Probably doing a whole page with ten of these posts won't break them. I'd be a hell of a long page, needing some serious scrolling, but I'll survive.
I'm out of ideas now to destroy the forums, anyone know something else we can try?
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
So I tried that as well:
Part 1: https://i.imgur.com/ETlGl03.mp4
Part 2: https://i.imgur.com/WMACg6d.mp4
Part 3: https://i.imgur.com/0aloaDB.mp4
MY GOD! You are a MONSTER!
We must satisfy it or it shall surely eat us all. Quick, Fifi, sprinkle yourself lightly with salt and stand in King Abbot's mouth.
Its the only way! Trust me!
Fear not, I have no craving for human flesh. The taste can be described best as sad with a strong aftertaste of depression, so I stick to animal flesh. It's also less conpicuous when I go shopping, and it fits better in the fridge.
Kings Eastwood in
, and THE
music by Trewavio Morricone
Fifi! Quick! Cover yourself in batter and a blend of secret herbs, and squawk like a chicken! Then stand next to this tasty dipping sauce.
Its the only way! Trust me!
That should assuage the monster's ravenous hunger. For now. I foresee a need to recruit new clannies.
I failed to keep my New Year's resolution before I even made it.