> Doesn't want bad blood with a clan
> Brought in a non-POC to target said clan for its lands
You should change your name to Hilarya Clinton
+1 For this post.
But Zaire, she's going to say she had no knowledge of this going on whilst she was Gold Key. So instead of taking responsibility for something her clan has done (the thing a true leader will do), she would rather just opt out and say she didn't know what was going on which is deplorable.
Are you that out-of-touch with your leadership that you don't know what foreign policies your clan is imposing?
& To response to Travis' post about me insulting KOI and Arya. It's kind of funny you say this, as it was YOUR queen and clan that directly made slanderous comments about TSV and myself in your OPENING post. Never has TSV or myself insulted KOI in any way, shape or form. We have critiqued Arya's leadership which has led KOI amiss, but never would we insult the clan itself.
As for Arya's message, it's noble of you to want to move on but you can't just make a quick forum post and expect everything to be peachy. Amending your wrongs will take time and actions speak a lot louder than words. Perhaps the community will respect you again when you do more than talk about how you're going to be super friendly. Fact is, you've done a lot of shady and back-alley things in this community and by-and-large, we are sick of it. Yes, we have different ways of leading - I go the clear and honest way while you try to exploit loopholes and make shady deals.
Hopefully after this war we can all work to make the community better, but you have to understand this won't happen over night. You need to earn our trust again and show us you actually want what's best for the community and not just KOI.
To Imperator Sound5leader of House Deez, third Imperator of the Noxious Gladiators,
I will be willing to release all claims in southern Kandarin, or even gift them to NXG if you wish if by some chance we may receive Prifddinas and Arandar back by some agreement. It was part of the elven homeland and we only wish to leave in peace from now on while having a united kingdom that is in one peace. If this can come to pass, we will make no further advancements past castlewars. We will not seek further lands, I only wish to keep the elven lands where it once was.
To Astrazak,
I know that my previous post will not fix things instantly but I do want it to be the first step in fixing relations. Perhaps I have made some mistakes along the way and for that I am sorry. I also plan on changing my intro so it does not look like I am insulting TSV in any way, I meant no disrespect to you and The Silver Vigil. I hope in time I can earn everyone’s respect. Also Astra, I would like to notify you that I will eventually be releasing the northern lands as to keep to the elven lore as it does make sense for the elves to have it. I do wish to continue with the war on Sunday and may the best team win. I would like to speak to you further about this though.
For now as a gesture that I do truly want peace and that this is not some ploy, I would like to announce the following:
The Kingdom of Isafdar would like to gift the following claims:
We wish for these lands to remain open to new POCs, many of whom are checking out this world. We cannot enforce this legally, of course, and would never try to. That being said, if you have a ton of land and you decide to conquer them...fair warning, we may decide to war you for it.
=+= Trade Agreement =+=
POCs that are trading: TSV & NXG
First POC is giving: 9 Energy
Second POC is giving: Nothing!
Specify Trade Route: The Vox Populi will sail from Sophanem to Port Khazard.
Signatures: Astrazak & Desert Spear