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A few points.
3. Ranges are a different kettle of fish to normal GE pcs**** pcs are a last known trade, which is often a good indicator because all trades are done by considering all other offers. With out-of-GE trades, you get extremes as people don't consider all offers, only the ones they see. So taking the most recent trade is a bad guess. Looking at the last few trades creates a lag as happens here, especially when you update ranges rarely, so they're also not reflective of the current price. People are generally aware that's the case, including the people who are fighting against it.
There are a couple of alternatives I can think of, but they have drawbacks:
- always update the range after a hat trade is reported, considering the last X trades (problem: agreeing on a range isn't that easy sometimes, and this would need to be made better)
- report the last X trades instead of a range (which a lot of people tend to look up anyway - problem: lots to type when pcing)
The first suggestion wouldn't really be feasible as you said (but it would be nice). For transparency Quark uses open discussions in a public clan chat, and accept a majority vote on a range (this sometimes takes 5 minutes but it has also taken over an hour for a single range before). The frequency of hat trades is too much (we'd be constantly in a discussion in the evenings).
The second suggestion is a lot of typing, but maybe a moving average would be okay (say an average of the last 5 trades). This has the drawback of making it harder to PC (and indeed, harder to learn to PC), since you need to keep track of recent street trades. It also may not achieve the goal of having more representative prices. (continued)
Andy Murray to win Wimbledon 2022.
02-Apr-2016 17:02:18