No matter how you track it, no matter how you analyze it, no matter how you report it, garbage data is garbage data. IMO, the player-to-player data obtained for items over max cash is garbage. There is no way to independently verify it, there are plenty of incentives for dishonest reporting, and it is known that players report fake trades between alts and between their friends. How prevalent is the problem? Who knows.
You are spending a lot of time and energy collecting, analyzing and reporting data that is suspect at best. I know the FC does it's best to only use data it feels is accurate, but there really is no way of knowing for sure which trades are real and which aren't. Soooo....
I have made this suggestion privately to members of the admin team: I suggest that a maximum of 2 trades involving any player be considered in any range update. This would limit the amount of influence that any player could have on a range, should their reports be dishonest.
Former PCer and rank in the "R Quark", "TH Rares PC" and "Nex and SS" Friend's Chats. Now independently operating.
04-Apr-2016 16:49:14