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Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The first open competition attempt fell through, due to a combination of factors: The organisier no longer being around (OP isn't author/organiser, it was posted for one of the others); the participants being away for various reasons - the winner of one of the sections ended up being banned [by their parents] from playing RuneScape, for their Summer holidays, and when they got back were on too infrequently to continue.. with that, and a few other hold-ups with some of the other team runners working on other things, it lost impetus, and ended up being put on hold till another opportunity.
(Some quite detailed notes left, though I'm not so good with translating them).

However, the organiser had to give up playing RuneScape (they had terminal illness), so there haven't been any more open-run attempts, so far (though we'd love to try, and it'd work better either with help, or in the 2nd format, to encourage more players).

26-Jan-2015 16:49:54 - Last edited on 26-Jan-2015 17:06:04 by Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Has players who are willing (and eager) to teach new players (and likely wishing to take part in a joint effort, if that's possible).

- Is one of the more complex and interesting minigames, with many established tactics, and ways of countering them, to learn ~ so would fit the full structure very well.

- Suffers a lot from glitches ~ so experiencing how they effect gameplay would help with finding solutions, or at least making workarounds known, so people can play if they wish to.

- Is often boosted, rather than played * so could really benefit from a trend for playing.

- Already has a fairly good point giving, and high score system.

26-Jan-2015 19:16:32 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2015 11:53:36 by Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

- Has dedicated teaching groups, and many veterans who could be encouraged into valuing newer players, given the right cues (many help out sporadically, but can give in to peer pressure from those who don't, given a situation where it is seen as worthwhile, many would likely take up the opportunity, which would allow a more self-sustaining group of newer players to establish).

- Is incredibly complex for the time allotted for decisions, when all the mechanics are taken into account when playing (even more so, when you go into the theory, and add-ons.. though the depth into which some of these things would be explored, wouldn't be to that extent, most likely) ~ ideal target for helping people discover the intricacies of content, and (dare I say it) the worth of exploring it, and taking it on as a challenge.

- There aren't many game-impacting problems in the playing mechanics (only very minor ones, or ones which impact newer players more, but are game-wide issues), but there are many problems with the reward system ~ which could best be experienced in context, and thus allow user perspective on which fixes are likely to work best and how best to structure the rewards to encourage play.

- Is often played as 5050, rather than competitively (or rather: people come with the preexisting intention to do that, and have to be teased out of it to come to try, and thus enjoy the content) ~ so would benefit greatly from encouragements for playing.

- Lacks a highscores, so more (and official) ways to play competitively would be of benefit. The reward allocation system is somewhat broken, as it rewards non-play more than play, when taken as an average, or when starting out (and thus forms habbits/lack of willingness to try). Giving people a reason to try (playing) the game would be of help in encouraging this to happen.

26-Jan-2015 19:18:57 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2015 10:47:52 by Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Trouble Brewing:

- Has an active fanbase, who enjoy playing it, and are willing to help those who are new, if they wish to play; however it suffers from tensions caused by those wanting to go there to not-play, and their negative impacts upon those trying to play.

- Has many tactics, and things to help with gameplay, and (as with the other games mentioned so far) very few people are aware of them, or how fun the game can be to play ~ thus it's a good candidate, as people being more aware of what's involved, and how fun that can be, would likely encourage some to take part; showing that their is an art behind it, will draw those who like to perfect skills.

- Numerous problems which have never been addressed, along with some minor ergonomic 'failings', though many of those actually add to the intricacies of play ~ to really understand which are which, and what to do to repair things, requires a good understanding of how the game works, what's enjoyable about it, and what it feels like to play it both for fun, and competition.

- Many of those commuting to the game, do so without the intention of trying it ~ showing the value of the game, and the depth of fun in it, could encourage more to try.

- The game has suffered from most rewards being too quickly obtainable, since they were decedecimated, along with few return incentives. The point system is also skewed away from rewarding complete play ~ the best ways to improve this, could be best found by experiencing the content fully, and in a competitive spirit.

needing to concentrate on other things, so will redo these sections when more time.

26-Jan-2015 19:20:07 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2015 12:40:38 by Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Res for adaptation ideas for stars & trees?
(Can do competitive scouting/tagging races, as are done by some groups.. techniques could be taught before the competition, though this would likely be a short one, it's hard to know. Will try asking around :) )

26-Jan-2015 19:24:11

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Double post problem, will likely need it for something, anyway.

Many companies have sports, or gaming teams, whether competing internally, or externally - RuneScape has ready made opportunities, in house, and on tap! Making use of them might encourage others to do the same. :)

As far as the ideas proposed here are concerned, who wouldn't want to be paid to have fun? .. especially when you can have great effect, and be doing a great job, by doing so? :p

(Sorry for being cheeky, it's well meant :) )

While allowing non-imperitive play to be rewarded in competitive contents is, in some ways, an understandable policy, where it impacts negatively upon those who wish to try the content, as has been the case in every minigames it's been done with, so far, then this is both unfair, and a waste of content.

This is especially so when it is both easier, and more rewarding (either entirely, or by effort put in), to occupy the content, but not use it.

Problems self perpetuate, and expand themselves, as they encourage culture and mindset of not using, or not trying content.. and those who do want to play, know they have little chance of being able to, so don't try.

The best way to find a compromise that will work (rewarding competition, without penalising newcomers, or forcing them into non-participant forms), while being fair to all, is to truely experience all the forms of play. This way would have the benefit of giving awareness of, and encouragement for, content usage, and the benefits and values of doing so.

Even without any content changes coming from this, the awareness and value-giving aspects of such a project would be more than worth it (as far as I can see).


26-Jan-2015 19:24:42 - Last edited on 29-Jan-2015 13:00:23 by Yusou Bhoroi



Posts: 1,045 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Be different from a purely exploratory, or casual event, having set participants, a formal structure, and an end goal. This can help benefit more casual events, too, as it can make sure that both groups of playstyles can be catered for, without upsetting the other."

-> How can both groups humans liking different playstyles (structured and casual) be catered for by structured events? : o

"While this has tried to split up the groups of competitors fairly, and make sure all can take part, its size, and inclusion of more casual players, or those who don't use the available sources to keep up with rounds, has meant it has become unwieldy, and is taking a very long time to complete."

-> Very true... D :

"Prevent the outcome being a forgone conclusion"

-> Important point. : o In GOP-case, this would be putting Icy and Tommi (and Ali, if he would participate) in their own league and letting us inferior humans hack at each other without interference.. : p

"To take a different approach to competition, or have an intriguing and lesser used format."

-> In GOP-case, at least, being unusual seems to decrease interest among those who love the usual case. Folks who love run-GOP may even feel like they are betraying their identity if they affiliate with walk-GOP (this can be the case with many dichotomies that have different groups of humans liking different sides).

"[Disadvantage with elimination-tournament:] Discludes new players, unless it takes form of permanent ranking system, which is an enormous undertaking."

-> Might be usefwl to mention why this is so. If I guess correctly, it is because newcomlings will come at the bottom of such a system without opportunity to take the humiliation as an instruction to get better for the next round, since there is no next round.
Reason, compassion and GOP.

GOP FC | GOP Hiscores | GOP Intro

28-Jan-2015 00:52:29



Posts: 1,045 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"• Segregation:
Allowing all-comers to participate, but having separate sub-competitions for different groups, either by ability, community, or other."

Humans don't know what "all-comers" means, so it should be clarified. Allcomlings is a combination of newcomlings and oldcomlings and various humans who refuse to be categorised.

"Having the teams do streams, and (blog*?) updates on progress, could help give a wider audience for the competition, to make it more interesting/followable/relatable. [...] A possible way of spinning it, would be to invite (or even challenge) prominent players, who are either famous for being good at RuneScape, or good at explaining content (or both)"

Good idea. : o I don't see other ways of accomplishing it; and this way is promising.

Is the ''standard'' way of playing GOP boring? Aren't all the experienced goppers playing GOP in some non-standard way? So, when we say ''GOP is fun!'' regular-humans think we mean ''gathering tokken is fun!'' while we actually mean ''finding ways to score as many orbs as possible is fun!'' Scoring orbs for the sake of scoring orbs, or scoring orbs in order to beat your opponent, are not goals that the regular-human thinks GOP is about.
Reason, compassion and GOP.

GOP FC | GOP Hiscores | GOP Intro

28-Jan-2015 00:52:37 - Last edited on 28-Jan-2015 00:53:38 by Timome

Yusou Bhoroi

Yusou Bhoroi

Posts: 8,551 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Timome said :


1: Because other playstyles are already catered for, at present, by the other events, and people going there to take it 'serriously' are likely often making others feel uncomfortable, when they're just there to relax and lark about. Having places where each can do what they wish, without impacting the other, is a good compromise - perhaps each will then grow to appreciate eachothers' playstyles more, when their not seeing mixed events as the only possible way to get to play.

2: That's what I never get about the other groups.. so quick to criticise in a non-constructive way, and get angry with new ppl.. yet they're extremely disorganised and unwilling to play much, themselves.. has taken a lot of getting used to. :c

3: You'd have a fair chance of beating Finsk-Tommi, or Ali, in the right circumstances, and I'm hoping that others may come out of the woodwork, if there was any such tournament.. but I'd rather it was focussed on showing newer players that the competitive side can be fun, welcoming, and worthwhile.. You know as well as I do, that many who come, wish to play more, but get put off by a few of the less pleasant/welcoming players, or by not having 100s of people at a similar stage who are there to play with. (That, and the fact that there's very little reward to stay on for).

4: I think that varies, from group to group.. and often newer players, and those who help out most, seem to enjoy trying new things, too.. it's more those who feel they have something to prove, who are really anti unusual things.

5: Having an accurate and ongoing highscore system, is a big undertaking, as most new players change rapidly, and are unable to keep in touch with admins, with some systems - automating takes a lot of the effort away, but then you have to have one which can detect different playforms and circumstances, et.cetera.


28-Jan-2015 11:26:08

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