This is the reason I write to you and your Kingdom. The Otherworldly spirits increase their numbers every night. Kingdom of Isafdar is soon at max capabilities in terms of resistance, and without your support we are afraid we will be outrun. It is time to put our conflicts behind us, and work together. If we work together there will also be rewards for you and your people, as a lot of trees from the area outside the world gate is obtainable, as well as possible loot from the source. This is how you may help:
1. Send troops, supplies, medics, weapons and everything your Kingdom can afford. [This is done by posting RP stories here on the forum. Any clan representative may post related RP.]
~Reward is 5 wood and 2 runes~
2. Attend our warrior meeting, to plan ahead and work as a team. [This is an RP event, everyone from 103 is welcome. Time will be SUNDAY 2/26/17, at 3 PM ET!]
~Reward is 8 wood and 2 runes, min. 2 attendees~
3. Send your strongest warriors, up to 4 warriors, into the World Gate to take on Koragnar face-on. This is the only way we can truly defeat this evil. [The way this is done is by defeating all the 4 nihils at the same time – called the annihilator title challenge – and posting a proof of it on the discord. A screenshot at the beginning vs. all 4 nihils and at the end - with time stamps - would be sufficient.]
~Reward is 2 runes and 2k gold per successful kill. Gold provided by world bank. ~
I hope to hear from your Kingdom soon, our time is running short. Let us unite.
, Guardian of the Kingdom.
Loremaster of The Kingdom of Isafdar