Elven Reunification Part 3
The night was dark and a cool breeze from the sea brushed the flames of the campfire sending shadows skittering arcoss the camp. Not a sound could be heard, even the owls were silent. Most of the soldiers were fast asleep, and only a couple of sentries were awake stoking the fire. Silently a dozen elves emerged from the trees all around, bows raised. The sentries were too startled to move, knowing the surrounding trees probably held even more elves waiting to rain down arrows. "We surrender" squeaked one guard, eyeing the treeline nervously. "Return to your King and tell him the Elves reclaim this land and all land west of the pass." replied TrueAmerican, an impressive looking and well armed elf, clearly the leader of the group. The rest of the soldiers were promtly awoken and ushered into the charter ship and sent back to Ardougne.
Looking to a scout TrueAmerican says "Tell Alphachan to get the shipwrights here first thing in the morning.. KOI has access to the Western Sea again and we can begin Phase 1 of the Grand Elder's plan!"
=+= Land Claim =+=
Clan: Kingdom of Isafdar
Land: Port Tyras
Access to Land: Isafdar
Sir Travis 2
Grand Elder and Leader of the
Kingdom of Isafdar