Homecoming, part 2.
The ocean was unusual still that morning. Thorel, Queen of the Seas– a mighty long ship built by magic logs and crystal, cut through the water like a knife cuts through warm butter. There was no wind, just a dense fog all around. The men and women aboard rowed the long ship in a rhythmic tempo, making it sound like a beat when their paddles hit the water in combination with them breathing in and out. Scouting at the bow was Xul, who had put down his own paddle and was now trying to scout the nearby land through the fog. “
Paddles in
” Xul commanded in a clam voice, as land appeared out of nothing in front of them. The ship hit the dock softly, and Xul stepped of the ship and started securing the vessel. After the ship had been secured, Xul grabbed his crystal-staff, while the remaining crew stayed at the dock.
It was still early in the morning, but most of the inhabitants were up already - getting ready for the day ahead. Some of them looked afraid and surprised to see a person with a hood over his head and a staff in his hand walk towards them from the dock. As Xul approached the gates of the city, the guards protecting the gate unsheathed their sword, as they yelled “
reveal yourself stranger!
”. Xul stopped, and unrevealed his face which had a big smirk on it. “
Xul! You are back already!
” the guards said as they saw who it was, quickly sheathing their swords again. “
Good to see you again brothers!
” Xul said as he gave each of the guards a brotherly hug, and proceeded through the gates.
Xul quickly found his way to the long-hall, trying to avoid eye-contact with too many people of those who were awake, but occasionally had to give up a wave or friendly smile. The guards of the long-hall let him pass through. In the long-hall the Burgher, other leaders and warriors were all small-chatting with each other, finishing some leftover chicken and eating some bread before the day was starting.
Ok good luck
15-Feb-2017 02:27:02