Xul returned to his house soaking wet Once he got new clothes on; the storm was starting to pass by the rains calming down to a sprinkle the setting sun creating a setting sun revealed itself past the storm clouds.
All was quieting as the rain made a sleepy melody on roof. then a raven flattened itself on the window, falling down making a water print of it expanded wings on the window. then it fluttered back onto the window sill, dazed from the impact. Its leg holding a message.
Xul opened the window and extracted the paper from its legs. the paper read,
Sorry for leaving so abruptly the carried away by wave teleportation spell accidentally triggered when i pulled off hood. Magic is wyrd.... but hey I wanted to talk then but since that happened you wanna meet on the broken bride between jatizso and neitiznot. Don't worry i rebuilt most of it so we can talk at normal tone. Send back when you have time to meet on the same raven he'll be waiting till you do.
Anyways i hope this doesn't go badly as your King, Travis Thorn is worried about.
Thanks and best of luck.
15-Feb-2017 03:22:45
- Last edited on
15-Feb-2017 04:05:35
The Silver G