On the current proposal for ports:
I'm speaking for myself here, not as the leader of TSV. I don't like the idea of building ports on coastal claims for a lot of the reasons Danny has pointed out. Firstly, the lore aspect is a biggie ... there are already settlements that are centered around their ports such as Port Sarim & Catherby; if we arbitrarily added more ports around the world, it would be inconsistent with some lore.
Next, having the ability to build ports anywhere eliminates the existing strategy current ports maintain. Why plan to claim areas like Port Sarim or Catherby when you could simply build a port on any coastal claim? A lot of these port towns are lower in tier that bigger cities and what they sacrifice in revenue, they make up for in strategy.
Finally, there are several problems with this idea that could easily be abused.
a) If a coastal claim now has a port, does that mean it could be invaded by a different clan like the existing ports? If so, then a clan could invade little areas like Frankenstrain's Castle, etc. Then a larger invasion could be mounted from there, which to me, doesn't seem very realistic. How can a force large enough to conquer all of Morytania be housed in that tiny Castle for example.
b) In the end-game of the community, (which we've seen several times), this will just be plain op. Eventually, clans get to the point where they can make a port once a week, or at worst, once every other week. There would be so many ports (given the benefit of owning several), that all strategy would be lost.
I'm sure there are more that haven't hit me yet.
06-Feb-2017 00:50:41