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***‹•*ºº*•›¸...•°°•...¸•°°•¸ˆ.....ˆ¸±‡±The Blessed Family ±‡±¸ˆ.....ˆ¸•°°•¸...•°°•...¸‹•*ºº*•›***
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Another week has come and gone since the meeting of Kingdom of Isafdar. Jura, Co and Rennigan had many conversations regarding the kingdom of Isafdar. After hours of conversing back and forth, they concluded that they felt Kingdom of Isafdar was trustworthy and very welcoming. Sir Rowdy and Co decided that we should do our best to protect any bordering lands of Kingdom of Isafdar and The Blessed Family have bordering one another. We shall send out our two best scouts Chiml and Rennigan. They will go and check the borders look for any surrounding lands that need attention. Land that needs nurturing and protections. We maybe a small family but we are a prepared family. Manny and Sassy have agreed to maintain Sinclair Mansion. Bomber, Sir Rowdy will oversee Camelot. Jura, Co and Alex have journeyed to our new land in Seers. Lorry sends for Haukka to send message to Chiml to return to Camelot with Rennigan. A couple days has past by before they returned to Camelot. Chiml talks of a place that has lots of trees everywhere with a small shack. Chiml mentioned the trees where hidden by an iron fence. Chiml and Rennigan pulled a small opening in the fence just big enough if a person would turn side ways you could squeeze through. But, watch the seat of your britches either the fence or the dogs will take a bite out of them.