The noise seemed to be coming from a tiny Mountain Camp located north of Sinclair Mansion. It was a tiny camp that has had problems with being invaded by trolls.
When they arrived at the mountain camp, the inhabitants were being pushed back out of their camp. The Blessed Family members had arrived in time to lend them their aid, thanks to Dax"s quick thinking.
The Blessed Family rushed over beside the inhabitants of the Mountain Camp, to lend them their assistance in any way they could.
With the aid of The Blessed Family, the Mountain camp inhabitants were able to push the Trolls back into the Mountain, to their Stronghold.
The people of the Mountain Camp were fearful of the return of the trolls, and asked kindly if they could have the support of The Blessed Family to help if the trolls come back.
Dax, who had been appointed leader of the expedition and acting officer by Lorry Rayne sat down with the other members of The Blessed Family, and discussed with them what options they had.
They discussed building an out post at the Mountain Camp, to lend them their assistance. After the Discussion, Dax proposed the building of an outpost to lend their aid against the battle with the trolls.
The inhabitants of the Mountain Camp agreed. Dax was worried, would they be able to help defend against another invasion by the trolls? Who knows what the future holds for The Blessed Family?