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Quick find code: 90-91-518-65861682

Lorry Rayne

Lorry Rayne

Posts: 799 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
=+=Land Claim=+=

Clan: The Blessed Family
Claim: McGruber Woods
Access to Land: Seers

¸•°°•¸.............................................*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡±........................................¸•°°•¸
*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡± *****.........'\_±‡±_/'..........*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡±*****
The Blessed Family
¸•°°•¸.............................................*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡±........................................¸•°°•¸
*±‡± *The Blessed Family*±‡± *

27-Dec-2017 01:05:16 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2018 14:46:38 by Lorry Rayne

An Epic Fool
Nov Member 2023

An Epic Fool

Posts: 3,376 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lorry Rayne said :
=+=Land Claim=+=

Clan: The Blessed Family
Claim: McGruber Woods
Access to Land: Seers

¸•°°•¸.............................................*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡±........................................¸•°°•¸
*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡± *****.........'\_±‡±_/'..........*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡±*****
The Blessed Family
¸•°°•¸.............................................*****±‡± *****±‡± *****±‡±........................................¸•°°•¸

This claim is accepted (and the previous claim made by The Blessed Family for the Mountain Camp is voided).

I have been behind on the thread due to a busy holiday schedule. If there are any concerns about missing resources/etc please just let me know and they will be addressed (i.e. you will still get resources).

Happy Holidays!
Cain Izrail |
Court Jester
of The Menaphite Empire

28-Dec-2017 23:40:06

Sora Verus
Jun Member 2014

Sora Verus

Posts: 4,264 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sora Verus sat quietly, in near darkness, using one hand to hastily write two letters and the other to hold a small, ring shaped toy for her baby in a crib next to her. Though it had only been a week since the birth, her personal mail had piled up quickly, and five days of bed rest had set her behind in her plans. Upon completing the letters, she folded them and stuck them into gold-leafed envelopes to be adorned with a wax Crown sigil. Both were bound for Canifis, one for Rhiannon and one for the rebel leader Azazel.


Upon the suggestion of Weylyn DeWolfe, I am effectively ending the levy of agricultural goods entering Canifis from any territory under Varrockian control. I hope this will assist you in persuading the people away from the Liberation. As a preface, I have sent several shipments of goods your way to be distributed among the citizens of Canifis upon their arrival. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

~ Sora

Liberation Leader Azazel,

I invite you to a small audience with myself and several members of my trusted personal council to discuss possible peace terms between the Kingdom and your Liberation. It seems to me that we both have a similar goal in mind – the well being of the Morytanian people and the citizens of Canifis. I am sure the notion of war appalls you as much as it does me. No one will benefit from a civil war.

This letter will reach you the same day I am writing. I will be sending several of my personal Queensguard to quietly escort you from the Canifis-Varrock border and to the castle for our rendezvous in two days. I look forward to our meeting and discussion.

Sora Verus,
Queen of Varrock and New Misthalin

tl;dr: Build a guild in Canifis for increased wood production.

Discord: Indie#2017

30-Dec-2017 05:40:57

Zandos Zaahl

Zandos Zaahl

Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Most esteemed members of the Elder Council, please find below my humble Kingdom report for your insightful perusal. I have collated the matters of interest into a short summary, as I know your time is most precious.

News from Neitiznot:

The previously-discussed construction of additional lumber yards is nearing completion. Some concern was raised with the Isafdarian representative as to the number of local workers who had perished during construction. It seems insufficient patrols were assigned by the garrison commander to protect them from roving ice trolls, resulting in many needless compensation payouts to bereaved families. I have instructed the representative to dock his wages the corresponding amount, by my calculations he can subsist on bread and water and possibly even pay the debt within his lifetime.

As for the underlying cause of the problem, my investigations have revealed that most of our northern garrison had been stationed on Jatizso instead. Fear not, I have successfully suppressed this information so as to keep the angry populace from starting a civil war within our borders. You know how stroppy those Fremennik get about this ‘local rivalry’ thing!

News from Piscatoris Hunter Area:

The representative for Piscatoris assures me that lumber yards in the area should be operational shortly. Although we had strident complaints from some citizens who objected to the ‘spoiling of the idyllic countryside’, a bag of gold each quietened them down nicely. I know it is not my place to offer an opinion as such, but you would think that the safety and security of the Kingdom would be more important than a few trees!

07-Jan-2018 02:43:51

Zandos Zaahl

Zandos Zaahl

Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With these lumber yards added to those at Neitiznot, wood production will be increased still further. The economy is humming along splendidly, and we may even be in a position to release some wood for the export market soon.

One area of concern on this front is that the complainers may not have been entirely wrong when they said that we’re ‘killing all the trees, man’. On my recent trip to the Piscatoris region on our way back from the meeting with The Blessed Family, I did notice it was looking rather barren. Perhaps we should redouble our planting efforts sooner rather than later.

News from Tree Gnome Stronghold:

Apparently some Gnomish soldiers were arguing over who got to spend most time in the single coastal lookout tower there. Seren only knows what they were looking out for all the way up there, but I have dispatched funds to build them a second one to humour the little folk. Their cooperation is more important than the cost of another tower, and I suppose it will save us if we get attacked by water-grumkins and sea-snarks!

Fisticuffs aside, our representative with the Gnomes insisted several times that morale was high there and that ‘everything’s, like, wow’. I suspect he was drunk on Gnomish cocktails at the time but his report is probably accurate.

Your faithful servant as ever,

Ailred Binan

Chief Scribe and Administrative Officer


07-Jan-2018 02:45:33

Zandos Zaahl

Zandos Zaahl

Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
KoI general orders

145K 58W 46O 60X 34F 41E 3R

build a woodcutting guild:
(permanent +2W)

125K 38W 26O 60X 24F 36E 3R

build a woodcutting guild:
Piscatoris Hunter Area
(permanent +2W)

105K 18W 6O 60X 14F 31E 3R

build a watchtower:
Tree Gnome Stronghold

90K 3W 6O 60X 14F 26E 3R

07-Jan-2018 02:46:54

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