I wasn't the menace to the FC that I've been painted to be. That's why I still haven't shut up. Instead I was part of the team. I was in the FC daily getting and posting updates, updating the lists, filling in the gaps, watching for manips, everything a rank does. I was still acting as a rank with the blessing of New Years, who understood why I had asked for my rank to be removed. I just could not in good conscience serve under someone who often broke the same rules he was punishing others for breaking. I had mostly stopped doing in-fc pcing because that gave me a high profile and more opportunity to be a target. I lobbied and then would come back and check the chat and capture any updates. I'd answer single pc requests but didn't run lines. Still very helpful though. If I could be, I was online to capture and record updates and just keep a watchful eye on the FC. If the updates started piling up on the forum and DP wasn't around, I compiled them all. I was DP's right hand man. I was there for him. He was having a difficult time with the situation and I was there with him and for him. He's a quiet guy and doesn't like conflict. I was there to support him. You took me away from him for no real reason.
I had provided information to New Years of multiple instances of apparent misconduct that resulted in "him" being put on notice. I literally had to go underground to try to stay out of his way. He was mad. Then a lot of changes were made, the new rules came out. Now he was really mad! And I paid the price for it. Any time he tried to engage me I resisted and reported it to New Years and provided the evidence. I worked on the New rules along with DP, Trips and others peacefully and productively. I provided shared documents, I wrote guidelines for Pcing and the kick rank guidelines. We worked to tweak the rules here and there where they were unclear. All was good.
Then I was banned for no real reason after he went nuts on me.
Former PCer and rank in the "R Quark", "TH Rares PC" and "Nex and SS" Friend's Chats. Now independently operating.
21-Sep-2016 14:53:41
- Last edited on
21-Sep-2016 14:55:21
Swiss Mafia