I see your point. At very least the content should be permanent... I mean, what would be the issue in having Grim's house a permanent part of the game? I mean, it'll go unused throughout the whole year anyway (like most of the game)(I don't mean that horribly, just most places are unused except when new content is released or there is recurring content worth doing).
I've always wanted seasonal content, but I'd rather it a fictional calendar. Although, the same issue would be as above. However, these could be simple events that recur yearly rather than new pieces being made each time. A festival that happens in Misthalin one weekend a year to celebrate Arrav's birthday (coinciding with real life holidays, maybe)... like, November 5th, Thanksgiving, etc, whilst not being those. Although, I only suggest these to make the game more engaging rather than to intentionally waste Jagex's time.
26-Feb-2011 14:46:31