Can you guys bring back the creator based bounty Hunter system only in one world I wanna see if people are interested in a single restriction based pking system.
I was responding to another thread titled "Favourite memory of the forums", and I was immediately brought back to being a member of this clan.
I came back here straight away to say the exact same thing as I said last time I was here SEVEN years ago! Damn time flies.
Add me in game. Remind me of your original username. Let's chat again!
Also, Gerf, I don't know if you're still around, but I remember chatting to you one day in game, and then the next day it looked like you had been wiped from the game completely!
It's sad that we're soon to lose this thread. Hopefully Jagex have a change of heart and keep the forums going for a while longer yet. Unfortunately, I don't see it happening