I actually played the new tutorial with a couple friends recently (on a new account). Dear god does it drag on forever. They teach you tons of skills, leading you from cutscenes to tasks to mini-quests to a full quest. You can also stop doing tutorial stuff if you wish pretty early on, though.
Eum, it is better than tutorial island which dragged on FOREVER and dumped you in a world where you have little context. Incorporating a story makes for a better experience, I believe.
2007- oh the nostalgia. I wonder if you will be able to make new 2007-only accounts or be able to import your character like a time capsule. It would be interesting to see because there are so many new things today that it would be hard to transfer back in time.
Yeah, the member's tutorial is pretty good - assuming that's what we're talking about. The whole area is a little too busy, though. I still remember being a new player - it was hard to find things on the screen just because I was so unfamiliar with everything. Kids these days probably don't have that problem though..**** was one of the first video games I played lol.
Two new skills - exciting! Ambitious. Won't be surprised if we see the second one pushed into early next year.
And I'm about to pee my pants for The World Wakes. So close...