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Slayer Noir

Slayer Noir

Posts: 2,512 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Blimey... This thread seems pretty dry at the moment

I wanna try and get some conversations flowing again, so now seems like a good time to put some ideas forward to you.

Basically, since I've rejoined Runescape, I've come up with several idea I'd like to suggest. Without the time to expand them, write them or run threads, however, I've done nothing at all with them.

So heres my thoughts. I give you the ideas, if you like them, we can work on them as a team and ultimately someone with more time (if anyone falls into that category) can ultimately post the thread

So. What do you guys think of the following ideas?

1. "2nd levels" of guilds for particularly high levels
2. The ability to increase the amount of special attack a person can have


28-Mar-2011 17:53:24

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 35,751 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've heard (1) proposed before, I wouldn't know what to suggest for higher levelled guilds though... I'm hardly that high level. I reckon all guilds should support milestones within skills.

For example, change the dynamics of the Mining Guild such that it's a Dwarven Expansion Project. The first level--the currently accessible one--is available at level 60. There would be evidence of expansion being made downwards. Now, either you are required to mine through to the mineral deposit (thus directly requiring, say, level 70) or at level 70 the expansion is complete. This can continue. Perhaps even start at a lower level.

(I'm not sure how the Artisan thing works).

I'm not sure how well additional special attack would go down, but I do think there should be some element of combat stats that goes up when you combat level-up (rather than individual skills). In other RPGs, levelling up combat increases your max health, health reg gen, defence, etc.

At the moment, health is 10* hitpoints. What if it was n* hitpoints, where n is decided by combat level. What if things like health/skill regen rate where increased with level-up, that we got "absorbers" with level up, a critical hit stat, a dodge stat, etc... even a special attack stat.

Or, instead of relating to combat level, maybe Constitution? Since you cannot directly train Constitution--it only trains as you train combat--it would be a good place to put all these extra stats. Constitution is our physical-health, after all.

30-Mar-2011 16:11:38 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2011 00:52:55 by 3mptylord

Slayer Noir

Slayer Noir

Posts: 2,512 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
3mpty, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with the extra guilds. The idea was very much inspired by the new thieves' guild - even though I'm not a huge fan of the guild itself, I thought it was a brilliant idea how you have the opportunity to expand it as your level got higher, and I'd kinda like to see all guilds do that.
Now you say that guilds should represent milestones, and I agree. Thing is, the Runescape population in general is getting higher and higher leveled and I just don't think the levels guilds require at the moment can really be classed as milestones any more (of course, that point is debatable). But it all leads me to think that there should be more to the current guilds...
I was thinking that within the second tiers of these guilds, players could find the means to produce strong new non-tradable items that were, here, inspired by the extreme potions of herblore. I haven't figured many of them out yet, but to give you an example, I imagined the second level of the runecrafting guild to have a machine that allowed you to increase the absorbency of pure essence, so you could take it to all 4 elemental altars and make non tradable elemental runes.

As for the special attack boosts, your idea is kinda mind-blowingly perfect. Because you're right, no matter what kind of combat you train your constitution goes up - it is really the main measure of a player's fighting spirit. And, to be frank, it kinda makes me sad every time I go to the level up menu for constitution and just get told to "open the guide and see what you can do at higher levels"

Problem is, as soon as you start to chuck these things into constitution, players have a sudden jump in power, and thats gonna devalue some of the harder combat aspects of the game, like high level quests and the fight caves. And I suspect thats probably what fuels your comment about it not going down well. Limitations need to be found to prevent this...

PS, sorry for the essay :P

30-Mar-2011 20:45:31 - Last edited on 30-Mar-2011 20:48:56 by Slayer Noir

Slayer Noir

Slayer Noir

Posts: 2,512 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hold Up.

Sorry to double post, but I think I've just had a brainwave and figured out the limitation for special attacks (quick, eh? :P )

Basically, the idea is to give weapons with special attacks "cooldowns" that prevent over use of their special attack, and design these to precisely represent the amount of special attack you could get from that weapon under the previous system

Makes my idea sound useless at first glance... But look closer...

Say I've got earnt myself 300% special attack points and I've got some dragon claws. Instead of being able to use them 12, outrageously over powered times, I'd still only get to use them 4 times before they need to cool down.
But that leaves me 200% special left over. Well, while my dragon claws are cooling down, I could use that on a DIFFERENT weapon. Perhaps Korasi's sword? I like that special attack...

This then gives rise to a whole new element of strategy, as players can combine special attacks from different weapons in possibly thousands of different ways, while not leading to ridiculous overpowering such as the above example with the 12 dragon claw specials...
It also adds value to weapons that have become outdated, like the dragon battleaxe, who actually has quite a nice strength boosting special. Its just not usually viewed as worth its 100% special bar. Well under the new system you might use a battleaxe special first, and then follow it up with your now more powerful dragon claws special.

I feel like a genius now :D . I hate to sound arrogant but this idea would introduce so much new strategy and variety even compared to huge content updates.

Please let me know what you think...

30-Mar-2011 21:53:13

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 35,751 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Your concern about it make quest bosses and such harder... I believe that NPCs have a Constitution stat? *big wink* ;)

As for special attack bit... I still think being able to use more than one special attack is a bit broken. Rather Jagex should just update lame special attacks. I reckon Jagex should get into the habit of constantly rebalancing content... with patch notes and such (like any other game with a top-trump style combat).

Thus, when Jagex says "The Dragon Battleaxe is underused, and so we've decreased the amount of special attack in consumes by 50% and it's effect will now last at full strength for 60 seconds and then drop instantly (rather than slowly degrading as is currently the case)." isn't such a rage-fest, especially if the next day it's nerfed to "This linger effect of the Dragon Battleaxe has been reduced to 20 seconds, but it will now decrease steadily after this".

Jagex should really add status bubbles or something next at the top (like World of Warcraft, League of Legends, etc) which stats any and all conditions currently in effect on you. Perhaps three positives and three negatives (max) at a time. For example, when poisoned you'll get a little icon saying "Poisoned: You will take damage every 10 seconds for the next 5 minutes.". Then they could add more area effects, ally buffs, etc. Imagine if the Dragon Battleaxe's effect increased the strength of all allies in the area? (if they attack you they don't count as an ally, or it could use the clan system, whatever).

Burn, Stun, Poison, Taunt, Berserk, Battlecry, etc.

02-Apr-2011 01:04:37

Nov Member 2023


Posts: 14,122 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I've been playing with the idea of making a scale model of Keldagrim (in MineCraft). Maybe over the summer - I think it'd be way fun :)

On boosting special attacks - so I could use 4 d claw specials, then 2 dragon dagger specials, then korasi's sword...? It would turn all combat into a series of special attacks, with a players effectiveness relying to a huge extent on how long their special bar is.

To work, I think there would need to be a global special attack cool-down. Even then it would still change combat tremendously, and not necessarily for the better.

Personally, I'd love to see every weapon given several special attacks and buffs based on weapon type, metal, and individually, and through them make RS combat a billion percent more visceral and engaging. So if I had a rune scimitar, it would have an accuracy-boosting rune weapon buff I could activate, and an armor-reducing scimitar slice special. A dragon scimitar would have a strength-boosting dragon metal special, the slicing attack, and something individual with a specific effect - like turning off protect item.

For this to really change the game, the special bar would need to be changed pretty fundamentally as well to work more like a resource (like mana, focus, etc).

~ O_o rbie
through and through.

02-Apr-2011 03:57:27

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