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02-Aug-2013 14:20:40

Mar Member 2023


Posts: 3,455 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hello, everyone. Not sure if anyone here still remembers me, LOL, "eternal observer of the arcane"

I am glad to see this forum is still alive after so long. :) I am glad to see a few names hanging around that I still remember from "the good ol' days". Admittedly I haven't played in a few years now... between the changes to the game and life, just find I don't have much time anymore to do so.

I mean I've dabbled in a few other MMOs but couldn't be bothered after having put so much time onto this character. Though I am eagerly awaiting ESO :P

Anyway, nice to blow off the old tomes now and then and let you all know I am still alive! However, it might be best if you move me to the "retired" section as I don't see myself at this point ever actively returning to the game.

Take care and all the best for now & the future,
Kateri690, aka "Shimmery Fae"
~+ Eternal Observer of the Arcane +~

14-Aug-2013 21:00:26



Posts: 14,921 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wow, Evil King J and Kateri690! Nice to see you two around again.

I'm still playing Minecraft, mostly focused on playing competitively on a large server (250k+ daily active users) called Overcast Network. Best part is the tournaments, with 32 teams of 12. Managed to place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 2nd so far.

I have to admit, I don't do much feedback on Minecraft itself since the vast majority of problems can be solved by mods or playing on modded servers. I do give a fair bit of input into the running of Overcast Network as a moderator though.

Only played a couple weeks of Runescape in the past few years, and that was on the 2007 servers. Was fun for a while at least!

You know, I'm still going by Eum3 all these years later. The rest of you keeping your names as well? (I see that you are, Emptylord!)

12-Oct-2013 05:43:35

Jul Member 2023


Posts: 35,751 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think the first instance of 3mptylord was my Xbox Live tag "The Empty Lord". I found I could not use this username often since many places do not accept spaces, so I progressed to Emptylord. But, then, that name was often taken (even though I have never met one) - so I swapped the E for 3. Initially, I still considered myself "Emptylord" and that I disliked the 3... but it's grown to the point I prefer the 3. I've even gotten attached to being called "Thrempty". I'm still "Emptylord" on Wiki because they do not have name changing.

P.S. Hi. I was surprised to see this thread active.

19-Aug-2015 14:06:39

fmod Member


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19-Aug-2015 18:42:59

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