Dragon Dagger
Requirement: 60 Attack
Augment Slots: 3
- Puncture (Bound) — Hits twice with increased accuracy and strength. (active)(5 sec)(att + str xp)
- Free (Triangle)
- Assertive — Basic attack. (default)(att xp)
- Aggressive — Hits with increase strength. (3 sec)(str xp)
- Defensive — Increased defence for 5 seconds. (10 sec)(def xp)
Possible custom augments;
• Frenzy (Triangle) — Increases weapon speed by 2 for 10 seconds. (active)(30 sec)
* Dragon's Rage (Triangle) — Increased attack. (passive)
• Dragon's Eye (Ellipse) - Increased attack ranged. (passive)
Dragon's Eye is, for example, not compatible with the Dragon Dagger. When traded, the Dragon Dagger would lose it's Triangle slot. Hexagonal augments are some of the rarest, thus, it's harder to populate.
An NPC could add augment slots, or alter the shape, for a price. But this probably isn't needed.
Poison would be an agument. Augments could even be made by Herblore, to replace weapon-poison (or poisoning a weapon would create an augment, or add an additional step to the process).
Circle - Shortbows
Ellipse - Longbows
Triangle - Daggers and Shortswords
Square - Longswords, Scimitars and Maces.
Rectangle - Hammers, Battleaxes and Broadswords
Pentagon - Staves
Bound augments could be a fixed shape, say, hexagon, to make it easier to identify that it's a bound augment.
I think I'mma do some concept art, I'll upload it to the Clan's forum and/or my DeviantART page.
03-Apr-2011 23:24:05
- Last edited on
03-Apr-2011 23:26:13