
Leader is a stranger to us

Quick find code: 86-87-918-65719826

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
- let's keep this polite and civil please or.... let us just not go there.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

17-Dec-2015 14:59:14

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Naruto 1001 said :
Hey MattHe,

It's been 1,5 year since we had an active clan leader holding the owner rank. Our clan leader joined the army and logs in every few months making it impossible to replace him. We'll never be able to reach the one year restriction we've been asked to wait for. Isn't there any way you can help us out? He's a complete stranger to most of us and we have no clue where he might be. Saddest part is that he doesn't even meet our clan's requirements anymore.

Your Clan Owner is still an active player, having logged in within the last month and as such we cannot remove him from his current position.

We would recommend contacting him and requesting transfer of the Clan and I am happy to initiate such contact with an inbox message but I cannot remove him from leadership in the way you request.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

17-Dec-2015 15:03:09

Naruto 1001

Naruto 1001

Posts: 946 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Matthe said :
Your Clan Owner is still an active player, having logged in within the last month and as such we cannot remove him from his current position.

We would recommend contacting him and requesting transfer of the Clan and I am happy to initiate such contact with an inbox message but I cannot remove him from leadership in the way you request.

Hey Matthe, thanks for your reply.

Can you see the difference between a RuneScape 3, DarkScape or Old School login? Perhaps we should be more focused on him logging in (friends list) rather than him being in the clan chat. As far as I'm aware he didn't log in to RuneScape 3 for two months.

You mentioned initiating contact between us and the owner. That would be highly appreciated. Any inbox message making him aware that we need to speak to him would do. Although this still makes us wait for his next login I guess that's how it will have to be.

Although the initial request has been dealt with perhaps there's room for slightly more discussion. I've found it of interest so far and I'd like to keep this thread open just a little longer.
Part of the
Free Players

17-Dec-2015 15:16:18 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 15:18:35 by Naruto 1001



Posts: 17,474 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Naruto, perhaps if you gave Mod Matthe an email address that he could include in the inbox message, then this player may be able to contact you with his current email.

& just on Mod Matthe who seems to be everywhere, I hope you understand I'm a fan for life, because even though I didn't get the outcome I wanted, you took a chance on me when the request would have been so easy for others to ignore.

That's the type of quality I look for in my clan leadership, & now that I know you're one of those people, it doesn't matter what you do from here on out.

If you're ever looking for a clan, you'll always be welcome at Bonus XP

Oh & you don't have to politely decline lol I'll take that for granted!

You know my Dear Grandmother, who has now passed, always lovingly described me as "contrary"? She was spot on, I do love to argue, I don't know if that's abnormal, but I'm sure I'm out of line sometimes when I don't mean to be.


17-Dec-2015 15:32:57 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 15:42:31 by CuddleBucket

Mod Matthe

Mod Matthe

Jagex Moderator Forum Profile Posts by user
Naruto 1001 said :
Mod Matthe said :
Your Clan Owner is still an active player, having logged in within the last month and as such we cannot remove him from his current position.

We would recommend contacting him and requesting transfer of the Clan and I am happy to initiate such contact with an inbox message but I cannot remove him from leadership in the way you request.

Hey Matthe, thanks for your reply.

Can you see the difference between a RuneScape 3, DarkScape or Old School login? Perhaps we should be more focused on him logging in (friends list) rather than him being in the clan chat. As far as I'm aware he didn't log in to RuneScape 3 for two months.

You mentioned initiating contact between us and the owner. That would be highly appreciated. Any inbox message making him aware that we need to speak to him would do. Although this still makes us wait for his next login I guess that's how it will have to be.

Although the initial request has been dealt with perhaps there's room for slightly more discussion. I've found it of interest so far and I'd like to keep this thread open just a little longer.

That login was to the main RuneScape game.
Mod MattHe | Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey

17-Dec-2015 15:34:16

Apr Member 2006


Posts: 1,675 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Keep in mind that it's highly likely your owner had every intention of keeping his promise to the clan but he has other priorities and duties while serving in the military. These will always take precedence over a clan in a game.

Our clan policy has always been to keep those serving in the military on our roster regardless of how active or inactive they might be. It's the least I can do to honor the sacrifices they make serving our country.

I encourage you to work around the current limitations or start a new clan structured the way you want it to be.

17-Dec-2015 19:28:39

King Patrick
Jul Member 2012

King Patrick

Posts: 1,389 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
fa la la la la, la la, la la.

I suppose you should take the above advice. You could start a new clan, but this has a few problems.

1. To some, it could be seen as a mutiny/betrayal to the current owner. This happens to a lot of clans. Since your owner is inactive, however, the circumstances could POSSIBLY be a bit justified. I would only recommend this if he refuses to give up the ownership. However, he is off on duty. That, in my opinion, is actually a good reason to be inactive. So I recommend you gather the rest of your leaders, talk to them, and think long and hard about this

2. It is a bit difficult, as you said, to move 500 people to a different clan. Not to mention that you'd have to start the citadel all over, and lose all your clan exp. I suppose you need to ask yourself "Is it worth it?"

3. It could hurt the owner himself. He is on duty. I wouldn't like it personally if I came back home from defending my country, and found the clan chat I was in was empty. He might take it well, or he might take it personally. He could understand that the clan needed a more active owner, but he might also be hurt that you didn't give him the time to prove himself.

Either way, it's a risk to start a new clan. I'm not saying you should, but I'm not saying you shouldn't either. Those are all things you need to consider.

Either way, I hope it all works out! Good luck to you and your clan :)
I Am Patrick, Founder And Leader Of The Mighty
Defenders Of Gielinor!
Follow me on Twitter @The_Paddyman

People often ask if I'm Irish. I'm descended from them, but... not really, no. I hope I will be one day!

18-Dec-2015 08:28:35 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2015 08:37:48 by King Patrick

Aug Member 2010


Posts: 11,100 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I hope you get things sorted, tho it makes me sad that you consider someone who may be on active military service to be inactive and remove them from the clan

My clan too has inactivity rules but military service is something we are proud of our members for, whatever country they serve . We want to welcome them home and back into our family when they return.
Proud leader of Shattered Moon

18-Dec-2015 16:36:03

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