
Leader is a stranger to us

Quick find code: 86-87-918-65719826

Naruto 1001

Naruto 1001

Posts: 946 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
CuddleBucket said :
omg just because you post twice doesn't make it twice as good a point! :P

Excuse me for making a double post. Wasn't my intention either. Edited the second one to reply to a different part of the conversation.

CuddleBucket said :
I'd love it if your current leadership was aware that getting a contact email when he's next on is crucial, & then have 1 person disscuss this with him to resolution.

He may have views that you don't understand, & you may have views that he doesn't understand.

There was some good points above, & you want the owner position 'usable', that's fair enough.

I hope you are able to discuss this with him - he's likely motivated by positive qualities in his line of work, & I'd be surprised if he was unreasonable when approached by someone who made an effort to understand his position also.

The only e-mail address he gave us appears to be a fake or used for sign ups only. I haven't received any reply to what I've send him so far. We've tried this already.
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17-Dec-2015 12:15:13 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 12:22:06 by Naruto 1001



Posts: 23,266 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Technically, does your Leader not have ultimate power? Can you even give the authority to 'officially' raise your Clan's requirements without their permission?

Clans in RuneScape are coded through an autocratic system, and therefore, you cannot, and should not, be able to remove your Leader if he is still, by Jagex's definition, active. They have still expressed interest in leading the clan by the look of it, and does not appear ready to give up their permission.

Again, as it is an autocracy from a code perspective, and Jagex should not be intervening significantly in inter-clan politics, you have a few options:

1) Wait until he meets Jagex's official definition of inactive, then request he is removed.

2) When he next appears, ask if he would assign the Leadership role to someone else.

3) Leave and form a new clan. Technically, the current clan belongs to the Owner/Leader.

Incursione 2100+/130+ Clan, Avatar access for all.

17-Dec-2015 12:31:27



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Was only kidding anyway -I seem to have to clarify that around here :P

Forgive me if I'm reading into your response incorrectly, but it leads me to believe that you have an old email address that you didn't really use to regularly contact him anyway?

If so, again my advice would be just to nail down a way to contact this guy outside RS the next chance you get - & to do that your whole leadership needs to be on the ball & understand its vital importance - all you want from them is to politely enquire about an email where he can be contacted as (for example) Naruto 1001 has some clan matters that only he can address.

Which is exactly the truth.

But your goal is a contact, then you can handle it correctly.

That your clan owner doesn't meet reqs - I guess you didn't glean from my use of it how ridiculous that is.
The Clan Owner always meets the reqs.
It bugs me that you don't get that.
From the sound of it, as soon as someone else is owner, he will be removed from the clan regardless of if he wants to stay or not, because he doesn't meet the reqs.

That you would ask this guy to hand over leadership & then kick him - I have nothing nice to say about that whatsoever.

A possible solution - He can derank all members except for 1 or 2 or whoever to below deputy admin.
So whichever the owners should be can be dep admin.
He can then derank himself to dep admin, & my understanding is then they all become co-owners.

I'm quietly outraged that not being able to tell anyone who he is is a concern.

Noob9000: "Hey Naruto, who is this Owner guy?"
"Naruto 1001" Hey Noob :) I'm glad you asked! This generous soul founded our wonderful clan with X X X & myself, & now he puts his life on the line in the real world, defending his country! - I couldn't ask for a better bloke to co-found this clan with"
Noob9000: "Wow great story! Glad he was part of it & I wish him all the luck in the world out there!"


17-Dec-2015 12:33:10



Posts: 12,636 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Just talk to him about it the next time he is on? Judging by your replies, you guys aren't being brave enough to tell him your true thoughts, and you are being too distracted by false promises.

Talk to him, and if he refuse to acknowledge the need to step down, you could make a new Clan with the other higher ups (if any is active). A lot of the lower ranked members will follow by then, even if they are too many, because the Clan would have none taking care of it by then. Everyone would wonder what happened, and the new Clan will be the eventual new default.
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. ~Herman Melville

17-Dec-2015 12:42:13

Naruto 1001

Naruto 1001

Posts: 946 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
CuddleBucket said :
Forgive me if I'm reading into your response incorrectly, but it leads me to believe that you have an old email address that you didn't really use to regularly contact him anyway?

We've had this e-mail address since summer so I doubt it's that old.

CuddleBucket said :
If so, again my advice would be just to nail down a way to contact this guy outside RS the next chance you get - & to do that your whole leadership needs to be on the ball & understand its vital importance - all you want from them is to politely enquire about an email where he can be contacted as (for example) Naruto 1001 has some clan matters that only he can address.

We've got a team of more than ten players seeking for a chance to speak with him the next time he logs in. We are trying and have tried all the things you've suggested so far.

CuddleBucket said :
That your clan owner doesn't meet reqs - I guess you didn't glean from my use of it how ridiculous that is. The Clan Owner always meets the reqs. It bugs me that you don't get that.

We lower the rank to recruit from everyone who has been inactive for more than a month. As our clan has 500 players we kick those that are inactive for half a year, unless he/she lets us know before. The first requirement he currently breaks, the last one he broke earlier this year. When a leader is aware of these requirements and breaks them I consider this not meeting the requirements.

CuddleBucket said :
From the sound of it, as soon as someone else is owner, he will be removed from the clan regardless of if he wants to stay or not, because he doesn't meet the reqs.

What would happen is that he'd be put back to recruit rank and upon his next login restored to general. If he knows he'll be inactive for more than six months he may write this down on our forum and we wouldn't kick.

More in the next post.
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17-Dec-2015 12:57:07

Naruto 1001

Naruto 1001

Posts: 946 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
CuddleBucket said :
I'm quietly outraged that not being able to tell anyone who he is is a concern.

Noob9000: "Hey Naruto, who is this Owner guy?"
"Naruto 1001" Hey Noob :) I'm glad you asked! This generous soul founded our wonderful clan with X X X & myself, & now he puts his life on the line in the real world, defending his country! - I couldn't ask for a better bloke to co-found this clan with"
Noob9000: "Wow great story! Glad he was part of it & I wish him all the luck in the world out there!"

He didn't found the clan. Our clan nearly died in 2014 after our previous deputy owner couldn't be active enough to lead the clan and keep it alive. After several requests he passed on his owner rank to someone else. Since he wanted to be done with it he just picked someone, not being aware that the player he picked was on a military mission at that time. Since there was no way to revert his choice we had to wait for the new leader to return from his military mision. During this period our clan became more active again and grew to the size we have now.

Surprised with his new rank our current owner came back home this summer. He made several promises to us and went offline. We understand it. He has to focus on whatever happens in real life, no doubt about it. However, when the owner has become a stranger to most of the clan, can he still be considered a leader at all?

I don't know if I'm being super unclear or if you're joking around, CuddleBucket.
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17-Dec-2015 13:09:38 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 13:29:55 by Naruto 1001



Posts: 12,636 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Naruto 1001 said :
I don't know if I'm being super unclear or if you're joking around, CuddleBucket.

It is neither. He just don't understand how true leadership can consist taking a back seat, or ending with no seat at all, if the need calls for it (which in this case, it is ridiculously obvious that it is necessary).

I would just focus on interacting with posts which gets the point if I were you
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. ~Herman Melville

17-Dec-2015 13:27:03



Posts: 17,474 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Lucine said :
Naruto 1001 said :
I don't know if I'm being super unclear or if you're joking around, CuddleBucket.

It is neither. He just don't understand how true leadership can consist taking a back seat, or ending with no seat at all, if the need calls for it (which in this case, it is ridiculously obvious that it is necessary).

I would just focus on interacting with posts which gets the point if I were you
Lucine, you define arrogant, evidenced by the fact that you consider that simplistic idea too complex for others, but not for you lol. If only we could all be as smart. I took the time to reference as much of the information he gave me as I could. & you decide because you're so narrow minded you'll treat views that oppose yours as not understanding, without referencing a single thing I said.

It's the height of arrogance to assume someone's knowledge or perception.
Absolutely nasty & uncalled for.
I have no idea what you were thinking as you didn't reference anything.

Back on topic, Naruto I hear you, he's just a random guy.
So you're having trouble getting it resolved through forum channels, & I'm trying to offer you a relatively simple irl solution.

If he's a brat who won't listen to reason, you haven't said so.
If he's not, my advice might help.

If you already had all that in place to begin with, congratulations, you're doing everything you can & I can't help any further.

Geesh Lucine......


17-Dec-2015 14:09:41 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 14:12:10 by CuddleBucket

Naruto 1001

Naruto 1001

Posts: 946 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
CuddleBucket said :
Lucine said :
Naruto 1001 said :
I don't know if I'm being super unclear or if you're joking around, CuddleBucket.

It is neither. He just don't understand how true leadership can consist taking a back seat, or ending with no seat at all, if the need calls for it (which in this case, it is ridiculously obvious that it is necessary).

I would just focus on interacting with posts which gets the point if I were you
Lucine, you define arrogant, evidenced by the fact that you consider that simplistic idea too complex for others, but not for you lol. If only we could all be as smart. I took the time to reference as much of the information he gave me as I could. & you decide because you're so narrow minded you'll treat views that oppose yours as not understanding, without referencing a single thing I said.

I don't think Lucine meant harm. Obviously everyone is an expert in the things he/she had enough time for to learn. I read Lucine's reply as: the two of you require more words to communicate about this matter since your experiences and therefor your expertises slightly differ. That totally cleared it up for me. Thanks for all the suggestions I've received so far.

CuddleBucket said :
Back on topic, Naruto I hear you, he's just a random guy.

I'm happy to see multiple clan leaders acknowledge there is a problem. This conversation with all of you who can see and/or relate to it is by far the best help I've had so far. I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
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17-Dec-2015 14:27:38 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 14:51:38 by Naruto 1001



Posts: 17,474 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think she might have said there was something "ridiculously obvious" that I didn't understand lol. But maybe you're right ;)
I never attempted to make any view or comment about leadership.
If you mentioned previously that he had nothing to do with founding the clan, which you may have now as it comes to mind, I had forgotten, & felt you were being really disrespectful to his position.

You're welcome for the suggestions.

Oh & don't you take my quote out of context :P

Just because he's a random guy, I'm still yet to hear you've had a discussion with him about this - if he's a brat doing the wrong thing, I hope you get your way, but for whatever reason he's been put in that position, & i'm not for a second suggesting insta outing him.

I understand you now have requirements, but I still think it's insensitive that he would be unable to retain a senior position if he wanted to.

Thank him for serving his country then show him the door lol :P


17-Dec-2015 14:45:14 - Last edited on 17-Dec-2015 14:54:08 by CuddleBucket

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