Hi, I think you should change the system of maintaining and improving citadel. More if they think putting a wait 7 days for the player who comes back to a clan can gather resources. It would be logical that resources are not lost and that everything should be stored. And definitely take out the number of visitors that are needed so that resources are applied for improvement. Cheers
I've got a Suggestion why not just cap the amount they can collect to something arbitrary like 500 for their first week of being in the clan. Thats for All New Clan members.
Give them a one off First week Lamp for doing it with a maximum exp of say... 4k it's not much but might be enticing.
Mod Matthe
A New Player should be able to join a Clan and skill in the Clan Citadel the same day
This part has already been introduced, right?
I have had various fresh clan members go and cap in the clan citadel on the first day of joining.
Yes, this is currently the case, as the old Probation System did not allow it.
The fix that's being proposed is a combination of the old and new systems, such that a player can join a new clan and cap immediately, but if they left a clan, they could join a new clan immediately, but not cap for the remainder of their cool-down.
For example, Player A leaves their clan and joins a new one 2 days later. Player A would then have to wait 5 days in order to cap rather than wait the full week period to join the new clan.
Player B left a clan over a week ago and joins a new clan. Player B can cap in the Citadel immediately rather than needing to wait a week.
~ Sicariu
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