
Jmod Discord Transcripts.

Quick find code: 86-87-544-66005345

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Remember: Everything in this section is purely ideas and/or queries. There is no guarantee any of it will end up in the live-game.

Clan Contests

Project Status (various)

Clan Titles

Clan tab on player Examine

Banlist notes

Email broadcasts

Creation date on vex

Custom vex logos

Clan Armour

Banlist size increase

Clan Boss

Clan Cape on solomans

Cit visit on A-log

Clan A-log

Seperate guest mute

build bug

Clan dev progress

New tree models in Cit

Small clans and citadels

Citadel boosters

Ort removal

Upkeep removal

Clans owning worlds

Sum' plot limit increase

[qfc id=][/qfc]
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:35:23 - Last edited on 04-May-2018 08:31:25 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 13 2016
Idea/query: (Clan Contests)

: Clan contest suggestion (on HLF) 260-261-439-65549464
: Would it be possible Mod Maz ?
Mod Maz
: tldr please. bit busy this end
: Tl;dr - Contest option that lets you compete with other clan members (or other clans maybe), to see who can get the most xp in X hours
Mod Maz
: with other players could be done assuming no one logged off. would have to think further about whole clans.
berend: I saw someone post it, so just asked :P . It would be cool to see it in-game though, think a lot of people would like it
: it's not really clan related tho, any players could do it. worth suggestion in general to be honest
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:35:43 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 02:45:47 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 18 2016
Idea/Query: (Project Status (various))

Mod Maz
: ok... can i take a moment to tell you where i'm at with various projects?
: individual mutes - i have no clue how much you know about this feature, but, i installed it and it broke the entire clan list, as it pushed it beyond what the client could run. i'm trying my best to rewrite it to be more efficient, but it is proving difficult. I plan on asking for engine help to see if we can up the limit of what can be run on that trigger.
: permission rewrite -
: i have an interface half done, and now i have to go through aLL of clan code to install all the new permissions, however this one will be a total arse to test, every single permission needs to be tested at every single rank, on every tier/variation of citadel too
: clan cup rewards from last year is done and ready for matthe's review before testing.
: EXCEPT for the logos
: cause we're waiting on clans to get us graphics
: however, please bear in mind that OSRS updates are.... hectic to say the least, so i have had to focus on those for the last few months.
: I will continue to work on the permission rewrite in the spare time i have between working and studying for my degree.
: If i can present a finished project to someone in rs3, i hope they'll then qa it... eventually
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:36:00 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 02:47:24 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 27 2016
Idea/Query: Clan Titles

: Was just talking to my clan, how about this idea. Clan Tags. Similar to Titles, however would require more work from jagex since there would theoretically be infite of them. Or instead of the full name, an abbreviation of the clan name.
Mod Maz
: the issue is not the titles, the issue is abuse of titles.
: with no way to report them, they won't' happen
: and if we have a report system for them, we need a team to support that system
: It won't fall under who handles reports for inappropriate names?
: non proper clan names are already caught by that department aren't they?
: but guess it would need to more stricter then it is now, since clan names normally take a while to be changed.
Mod MattHe
: It is more complicated than that. Clan names are text that cab be captured. Titles require a different type of capture that is not in place and needs multiple other factors captured in the report.
: That system is not in place
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:37:04 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 02:48:52 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 28 2016

: There's a lot of automated checks though like on the examine feature as it checks for clans there, and on that note it would be nice if we could have a small clan tab on the examine feature
: When you examine people you can see their worn equipment, social, combat stats & skills, then add another one for their clan
: I guess it could be similar to the info on clan vexs
Mod Maz
: any info that is displayed on the vex could easily be added to the examine.
: that's definitely a ninja job


January 21 2017

: Would it be possible Mod MattHe (or any appropriate mods) to allow Clan Leaders to add notes to banned members (or even clan members) like the friends list tags?
: Even if it was just a personal note, having the ability to track specific users in-game, without needing an external site or to follow name changes would be absolutely amazing
Mod MattHe
: That would be engine development and is unlikely to be a quick fix as clan lists and friends list are not the same code base, as i understand it
: I will ask the engine team though


March 1 2017

: Would it be possible to link a Clan Members e-mail associated with their account with the "Clan System" broadcast messages. I could see this being a simple implementation, the Clan System would also send the same message generated to clan member inboxes where clans have setup which ranks recieve which messages. This would also solve the capping record problem and improve overall clan management.
Mod MattHe
: There is no implementation between in game systems and email, so no that would not currently be possible.
: We would also not allow messages of this kind to be sent to the in game inbox - we are very careful about what messages it may be used for.
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:39:14 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 02:51:55 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
March 9 2017

: I'm not sure if this has been brought up in the past( it most likely has) but is it possible to add to the clan vex or clan forum page the clans founding date?
Mod MattHe
: It is not possible to add the clan founding date due to data issues


March 9 2017

: More Icons for Vex or even better let us upload our own images similar to Archeage. Any offensive images can be reported and appropriate actions taken.
Mod MattHe
: We would certainly not allow players to upload their own icons, no.


March 13 2017

Mod MattHe
: We have had clan armour suggested a number of times but it is not a suggestion that has really gained any traction with the dev teams. There are more important clan changes we would want to focus on if we had clan time available.


March 18 2017

: Would it be possible to increase the ban list size?
Mod MattHe
: As discussed on the CLF that is a lot more difficult than you might think. It is unlikely we will be able to do that


June 4 2017

I suggested earlier to add "clan bosses" in the citadel. If they love pvm content updates, why not do those 2 together.
Mod MattHe
: Clan bosses are unlikely currently as that is a subset of a subset. And clan updates of any kind have not been high on player choices when we have done the player surveys. More players want other types of content
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:40:29 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 02:55:01 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
August 15 2017
Idea/query: Clan cape on solomans

: Could more attractive clan capes not be sold on Solomon's?
: It's not about how pretty they are (we could just make them prettier and use them as the normal cape or upgrades from capping or similar)
: It's that you'd be losing your showing-off-how-badass-my-account-is slot, Max, comp, trim, skillcapes, quest cape even.
: The primary visual representation of the value of my own achievements is worn on the back, so a clan cape is always going to be equipped at best during clan gameplay


August 18 2017
Idea/query: (Cit visit on A-log)

: Not sure if this has been asked yet, but - what are the chances of having visits pushed to the alog as well?
Mod Shauny
: I don't see a problem with it, do you all think it's worth it? I thought the clan broadcast would be enough for that though


August 23 2017
Idea/query: (Clan A-log)

: Will we by any chance see an alog dedicated to clans Mod Shauny?
Mod Shauny
: That'd require a lot of web work I imagine
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:41:11 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 02:58:29 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 7 2017
Idea/query: (Seperate guest mute)

:Would it be possible to change something chat wise?
Currently, if you set Corporal as a minimum rank to be able to talk in the clan chat, Recruits AND guests won't be able to talk. What I wanted to do is make Recruit a Mute-rank, but still allow guests to talk in the clan chat. The box auto-toggles when you set Corporal as minimum.
So basically just allow people to manually toggle the two settings above.
: The current system uses essentially a score for each rank and the "can talk in chat" setting sets that as the minimum score to be able to talk
You'd think that it would therefore just be a question of adding a "or if this box is ticked and their rank score is 0" clause to the talk check, but entertainingly, it's all hard-coded in the engine, so sadly your eminently sensible and simple suggestion requires engine to rewrite the clan chat module to be implemented >.<
:what were they thinking at the time >.< Mod Moltare?
: It was a result of clan chat being built before all the other clan stuff, and using FC systems as the basis. It made some sense at the time


September 28 2017
Idea/query (build bug)

: Mod Moltare, While you're making fixes, possible to throw in rearranging builds, because when I drag, it never responds, have to spam it for it to respond in the upgrades tab of citadel if you haven't picked up on that already of course :smiley:
: I'll add it to the list
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:41:41 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2018 03:03:41 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
November 24 2017
Idea/Query: (Clan dev progress)

: Could you please touch base with Moltare, Mod Maz and Mod MattHe so as to keep up to speed with what had previously progressed with development of clans. If you already have then I apologize!
Also the burning question on everyone's mind is when will we see resources/more JMod/s to be allocated to clans?
Mod Shauny
: I have touched base with Mod Maz on some Clan stuff that was in progress, in terms of resourcing that's a no go at the moment, there's multiple teams all on projects they're working on.
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:42:16 - Last edited on 04-May-2018 08:15:34 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
November 26 2017
Idea/Query: (New tree models in cit)

: what would be nice, is the new tree models put in the citadel
: eh cosmetic changes to a system I want to rip out
: Would it be hard to change though?
: Changing the tree model out for one that looks like a magic tree is simple af
: Adding the means to choose and the logic to control what you get to choose and the cost of setting it and the interface between the plot and the cosmetic appearance (the last of which there is currently no example of so it's all new stuff) is not simple
: i mean, we could just forget magic trees and replace them all with the new regular tree model
: but the magic ones look perrdy
: how long would you say it would take just to replace without the logical aspect?
: If you're literally replacing the T7 tree plot model with another one, couple of days for one environment artist and half a day for a QA to test
: + time for each other new model you're swapping in, + less additional testing time, if you're doing a new model for each tree tier it's probably a couple of weeks for env and a couple of days for QA
: + some anim time for the magic tree version I suppose
: not the tree plot, just the regular tress around the outside
: wate wut
]: you know the trees around the citadel?
: (all of the ones outside the gates)
: ...just the decorative ones?
: yes
: one config and a bunch of mapping time idk
: qa the mapping would be horrific :(
: 4 * 4 * 7 * 2 * 2 map square to test :’(
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:43:07 - Last edited on 04-May-2018 08:16:58 by J4ron

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