
Jmod Discord Transcripts.

Quick find code: 86-87-544-66005345

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Category: Other

Scale of Arc compared to clans

Re-writing clan code

OSRS clan system

Companion App

'Badgering' Jmods about clans

RS expansions & clans (1)

Ninja fixes

Scale of Menaphos compared to clans

RS expansions & clans(2)

Inactive Clan Names

Clan posters at RuneFest

Inactive clans


Spamming streams

Gathering clan feedback

Clan concerns

Clan cape fact
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:57:36 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 08:15:33 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 18 2016
Other: (Scale of Arc compared to clans)

Mod Maz
: arc took one dev his tapp time, then one small scrum team a couple month's work. that's no where near the scale of clans.


September 18 2016
Other: (Re-writing clan code)

: would it be easier to rewrite from scratch or re-adapt the current code?
Mod Maz
: i'd love to start from scratch, but I really don't see that happening. however... that being said, the dev isn't that bad if you truly understand how the system works and can wrap your head around asynchronous data availability and events.


September 18 2016
Other: (OSRS clan system)

: Maz, if a clan system were to come to osrs in a distant future. Would it be possible to link the clans with rs3?
Mod Maz
: that's not beyond the realms of possibility. it would depend what was voted for tho, as you know OSRS content is done by polling players.
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:58:40 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 05:13:31 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
February 14 2017
Other: (Companion App)

: Suggestions:
- kick option for companion app for clans (could be for Fc's too)
- general updates for companion app
- request for shauny to mention the above on tomorrow's stream
- Copyright on companion app only states until 2014
Mod Maz
: no idea who's deving companion app
: if anyone
: it's definitely not something i can do
: i don't even know what language it's written in


March 15 2017
Other: ('Badgering' Jmods about clans)

Mod MattHe
: Badgering mods won't work - it will create bad feeling rather than a positive wish to improve clans
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:59:07 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 05:13:55 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
June 4 2017
Other: (RS expansions & clans)

Mod MattHe
: A number of the JMod team continue to argue for clan updates as a priority against other large updates - i would argue that expansions make a clan update more likely, not less.
I would not recommend a "demonstration" - it will not help and probably only hinder.
: clan updates as in "a massive change" or as in some little fixes over time?
Mod MattHe
: Expansions make the large update the clan core code needs to allow new content more likely. Not definite, but more likely
: so code must be totaly re-written?
Mod MattHe
: To do most of the changes that clan leaders say they really want then i understand a ground up rewrite would be better long term
: Hopefully we can have some input before they rewrite it
: did it already changed massive after introduction of clan citadels?
Mod MattHe
: The base code has remained the same since the release of citadels


June 5 2017
Other: (Ninja fixes)

Mod MattHe
: We have said that we are planning to look at some ninja fixes for clans later this year - but at the moment that team is locked into the bank rework so those items will get addressed after that. The avatar rework is just waiting on an engine change and I am pitching internally about clan boosters becoming available through in game methods.
: It is unlikely we would make promises about a big clan rework this year as this year's large content pieces are already agreed and in development.
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 13:59:42 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 05:15:38 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
June 11 2017
Other: (Scale of Menaphos compared to clans)

Mod MattHe
: Menaphos took an expanded team 6 months, roughly 14 sprints. That team at its core was 5 devs, 4 artists, 3 dedicated qa, a product owner and an integrated CM. In total over 100 people worked on the project.
Citadels and the supporting clan work required to rework them is a bigger project then Menaphos…


June 11 2017
Other: (RS expansions & clans)

Mod MattHe
: The size of the project required is why i said i believed expansions made it more likely, not less
: Though the historic data makes clans/ citadels more difficult than most projects as really we would redesign the systems completely but that is very tough to do and maintain the existing clan data.


June 21 2017
Other: (Inactive Clan Names)

Mod MattHe
: Right. We have the ability to direct edit a clan name in the live db but is a power held by a very small number of devs for obvious reasons. There are no tools or processes in place to remove inactive clan names and, while i would love to do an inactive clan sweep, i do not have time or resource personally to do so from a CM point of view, let alone the dev work required to put a full process in place - which is what would be required.
: We would not do it on a forum process as this is requesting removal of names from other clans which is a very different thing from changes to one's own clan.
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 14:00:18 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 05:16:43 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
August 15 2017
Other: (Clan posters at RuneFest)

: Mod MattHe Can you elaborate on what you said about too many issues with RuneFest posters this year? Also no offense intended but, how can Jagex honestly say they care about clans, when they remove a long-standing RuneFest tradition like this?
Mod MattHe
: - there were too many issues in previous years. The images were often not up to standard for the size and/or print requirements and we receive very few over all.
: There's an easy fix to make the RuneFest Clan Posters public knowledge (meaning any clan can submit their poster), but say if it's not up to quality standards then it won't be posted
Mod MattHe
: We have decided not to do that this year - it might well return for next year, but not this Runefest.
: But doesn't it look kinda bad for Jagex when they say they care about clans, and then halt this annual tradition?
: I mean, their actions aren't really reflecting what they're saying
Mod MattHe
: For the last 3 years it has been less than 10 clans who have submitted posters and each year we have had complaints about placement, despite last year those we did receive being in the entrances to the venue.
: So allow any clan to submit a poster regardless of CLF status, and then you place the posters in easy-to-see locations
: And if you get an overflow of poster submissions, that just means it's something people care about, and it's worth continuing
Mod MattHe
: I do not have a place available for Clan posters now in the RuneFest layout - it is going to be a very busy event.
: Not even just tacking them up on walls around the venue?

-Continues next post-
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 14:01:49 - Last edited on 18-Apr-2018 04:44:31 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod MattHe
: And I understand your point, but given previous years I did not have the time to invest in it this year.
: We have different artwork going up on walls this year, and the nature of the venue means there is very limited "wall space"
: Well okay....But again, I think it's a very bad decision for Jagex to discontinue clan posters this year, despite claiming they care about clans
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 14:02:02

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
August 16 2017
Other: (Inactive clans)

: speaking about inactive clan leaders.... what about inactive clans in general, Moltare?
: having them removed of high scores and removing their names
: Inactive clans... more of a thing than the other two
: On the general high scores, their score is still their score
: I'd like to move to a more seasonal approach, which would inherently fix the issue, while leaving the static high scores as a point of reference
: But that's work and therefore time
: i mainly mean those who have less than 5 or 5 but inactive throwaway accounts to "hoard" the clan name
: Oh, right. Clans with fewer than 5 members should probably be purged on a semi-regular basis
: There's a strange limbo where you're allowed a clan of fewer than that but can't do anything with it
: Which isn't really the point


August 30 2017
Other: (Instance query)

is priff an instanced area like the citadel?
: It's not instanced, but it's built on the first floor instead of the ground floor
: Which is why it doesn't show on the map
: I think (I may be telling lies, I didn't build prif, but I'm pretty sure it's not)
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 14:02:37 - Last edited on 18-Apr-2018 04:43:39 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
August 23 2017
Other: (Spamming streams)

Mod Shauny
: I'll just clear something up now

Spamming clans constantly for each stream will not really help when there's nothing new to say, I know you all want to get updates for it and that's completely understandable, basically just rely on me to get the message through where I can because I sure as hell will fight tooth and nail wherever I can.

I've committed whatever time I have in TAPP to doing what I can and where, I posted a few days ago of the Alog broadcast when you "Cap" (, and yeah not a significant update, but hopefully something that'll at least ease the stress of having to actually chase up Clan Members and go on the same world as them just to check if they've actually capped.

I want to fire out quick updates for you lot that will be useful where possible, for example stuff like this

- Broadcast for the name of the Admin+ who disallows/allows Guests to enter the Clan Chat
- Broadcast for the name of the Admin+ who disallows/allows Guests to talk in Clan Chat

Like I said above, nothing spectacular but hopefully small little things that'll build up as time goes on to make things that little bit better (hopefully)

If you haven't seen the alog thing already I'll attach an image now.

If you have any small little (think Ninja-like) fixes tag me and I can take a look where I can but that's about all I can do in terms of fixes. Hopefully that'll suffice for now :D
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 14:03:00 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 06:48:52 by J4ron

Oct Member 2013


Posts: 10,558 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
September 29 2017
Other: (Gathering Clan feedback)

: As a gentle caution, while the CLF is a major voice in the discussions, you are not the only people I am keeping in mind when it comes to these changes.
: And if making a clans system that appeals to and empowers more people to engage more often for better results requires irritating the whole subforum, I'll do it with a rueful smile.
: You weigh heavier than most groups per unit size because of your investment and involvement, but I don't intend to treat you with deference; only respect.
: Moltare, do you mean CLF = Clan Leader Forum, or CLD = Clan Leader Discord?
: one is the jagex official forum board
: CLF, specifically
: ok. just checking. I’m guessing the other groups are things like, reddit/twitter/RSOF[Clan Central] ?
: Although the same sort of caution applied to CLD: it's a place I know I can find invested people to give me feedback and chew ideas; it's not and cannot be my only source
: Reddit and Twitter give me very little on clans
: But yes; and the wider forums and player base; and those who respond to dev blogs; and those I accost and talk to in their clans in game
[Leader1: can i suggest any clan based feedback in the future be done via ingame polls?
: Polls are one tool to use
: i mean as opposed to using survey monkey
: i feel only a fraction of the rs clan community would respond to survey monkey opposed to if a poll was hosted ingame
: surveymonkey is handy for quick and dirty responses, gets a small voice rapidly
: not reliable for the wider community
: but it shows which way the wind's blowing generally
: true but in this case shouldn't accuracy > speed

-Conversation continues next page-
Owner of
All But Forgotten
NZ/Aus/USA based social clan.

15-Apr-2018 14:04:03 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2018 06:47:40 by J4ron

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